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Revised 8/13
The City of New York Department of Small Business Services
Division of Labor Services Contract Compliance Unit
110 William Street, New York, New York 10038
Phone: (212) 513 6323
Fax: (212) 618-8879
An S&S Employment Report (ER) must be filed if you meet the following conditions:
Prime and subcontractors $100,000 or greater
50 or more employees S&S Employment Report
Less than 50 employees Less than 50 Employees Certificate
A separate ER must be submitted for each facility involved in the performance of the contract. This may be
headquarters or any "independently operating facility".
An "independently operating facility" is headquarters or a site separate from headquarters that makes its own
personnel decisions including hires, transfers, promotions and terminations. If the staff employed by a facility is
simply sent to a separate location to perform their work, they are still considered part of that facility and are
included in one ER.
Example for which ERs must be filed from separate facilities: If your firm is supplying data processing equipment
that is manufactured at your Chicago, Illinois plant, sold by your sales office in East Orange, New Jersey and
serviced by your maintenance center in New York City, then an ER is necessary for each of the three sites. DLS
retains the right to request the submission of an ER from headquarters, if deemed appropriate.
If your contract value exceeds $100,000 and your company at all of its facilities employs fewer than 50
employees, you need only submit a “Less than 50 Employees” Certificate.
It is the responsibility of the contractor to promptly inform all proposed subcontractors that each subcontract must
comply with the equal employment opportunity requirements of E.O. 50 and the implementing Rules. Each
covered subcontractor must submit a completed Employment Report, or a “Less than 50” Certificate, for each of
its operating facilities to the contracting agency before the fifth day following the award date (Comptroller’s Office
Registration Date) of the contract. DLS will review the subcontractor’s Employment Report(s) for compliance.
In accordance with Executive Order 50 (EO 50), upon receipt by DLS of a completed ER, DLS conducts a review of the
contractor's current employment policies, practices and procedures, as well as perform a statistical analysis of the contractor's
workforce, if necessary. The process is as follows:
1. Within five (5) business days, DLS will review the ER for completeness and accuracy. If any information is omitted
or incorrect, or if necessary documents are not submitted, the submission shall be deemed incomplete and DLS
will inform the contractor. The substantive compliance review does not commence until the submission is
complete. An incomplete submission will delay the review process and may preclude or interrupt the
contract approval.
2. If the ER submission is complete, the compliance review will proceed, resulting in one of the following:
Certificate of Approval
The contractor is found to be in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. The approval is
valid for 36 months.
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Continued Approval Certificate
The contractor has been issued a Certificate of Approval in the previous 36 months which is good for the
applicable contract.
An Administrative Certificate of Compliance
Issued when the contractor has been audited by the United States Department of Labor, Office of
Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) and is valid for 36 months.
Conditional Certificate of Compliance
The contractor is required to take corrective actions in order to be in compliance with EO 50. The
contractor must meet the conditions within three months of the issue of the Conditional Certificate.
Determination of Nonperformance
The contractor has failed to take the required corrective actions stipulated in the Conditional Certificate.
A determination of nonperformance may prevent a contractor from receiving an award of a contract.
General Information
Part I: Contractor/Subcontractor Information
Part II: Employment Policies and Practices
Part III: Employment Data Tables
Signature Page
Questions 7 – 11: Please provide the requested company information. All contracts must have a designated Equal
Employment Officer.
Question 12: If you are a subcontractor, you must state the name of the contractor for whom you are providing
the construction services.
Question 13: Please indicate how many employees are working in the facility(ies) covered by this ER .
Question 14: A list of industry codes can be found in the appendix of this document.
Question 15a – g: The Procurement Identification Number (PIN) and the Contract Registration ID Number (CT#) can
be obtained from the City agency. Explain the nature of the good(s) and/or service(s) being
provided under this contract.
Questions 16: List the names and addresses of all of your firm's facilities which are performing work on this
contract. (A facility is the headquarters or an operating facility that makes its own personnel
decisions. Please note that each separate location is not an independent operating facility unless
hiring and termination decisions are made there). For example, a computer organization might
have a sales office in Newark, New Jersey which negotiated and/or submitted a contract proposal,
manufacturing facilities in Tetersboro, New Jersey and Schaumberg, Illinois which produced the
equipment; and a facility in New York City providing systems analysts, programmers and
technicians to develop, install and maintain the system. Since all four (4) facilities are involved in
performing the contract, all four (4) are independent operating facilities, and they must be identified.
If a facility's employment policies, procedures and employment action determinations are made at
a different facility or headquarters, that facility must be identified as well. If you are uncertain
whether a particular facility should be included, please call DLS and ask for assistance.
Question 17: All subcontractors with subcontracts in excess of $100,000 must be identified by name and
address. As a selected proposed contractor, you must ensure that each of your subcontractors
obtain an ER as soon as possible after your organization is selected for the contract.
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Questions 1821: These questions refer to your firm’s particular facility locations which have been reviewed in the
past 36 months. If the operating facilities in the current proposed contract include any locations(s)
different from those reviewed and certified in the past 36 months, ERs must be submitted for these
If your proposed facilities have received a valid Certificate of Approval within the past 36 months,
been audited OFCCP, or have submitted an ER for a different contract for which you have not yet
received a compliance certificate, then you only need to complete and submit the following:
General Information section
Part I - Contractor/Subcontractor Information
Signature Page
If you are currently waiting for an approval on another contract previously submitted, be certain to
identify the date on which you submitted the completed Employment Report, the name of the City
contracting agency with which the contract was made, and the name and telephone number of the
person to whom the ER was submitted.
If your company was issued a Conditional Certificate of Approval, all required corrective actions
must have been taken or DLS will not issue a Continued Certificate.
If the company was audited by the OFCCP, also provide the following:
Identify the reviewing OFCCP office by its name and address
If an unconditional certificate of compliance was issued by the OFCCP, attach a copy of
the certificate in lieu of completing Parts II and III;
Include copies of all corrective actions and documentation of OFCCP’s performance; and
Provide a copy of all stated OFCCP findings.
Question 22: Please provide a copy of any Collective Bargaining Agreement(s) which is negotiated through an
employer trade association on behalf of your organization or any of its affiliates.
Remember to label all documents with the question number for which they are submitted.
Questions 23a j: You must respond to the questions as to whether or not your firm has documents reflecting written
policies, benefits and procedures. If so, then you must identify by name
each document in which
the policy(ies), procedure(s) and benefit(s) is located and submit copies of all of the document(s).
If your firm follows unwritten practices or procedures, include an explanation of how they operate.
Please submit the most current document(s), including all applicable amendments. Label each
document and/or unwritten practice according to the question to which it corresponds (e.g. 23a,
23b, etc.)
Questions 24a – h: Inquires about the manner/methods by which you comply with the requirements of the Immigration
Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA).
Question 25: Inquires into where and how I-9 forms are maintained and stored.
Questions 26a – e: Inquires into whether or not there is a requirement that an applicant or employee be subjected to a
medical examination at any given time. Copes of the medical information questionnaire and
instructions must be submitted with the Employment Report.
Question 27: Indicate the existence and location of all statements of your firm's Equal Employment Opportunity
policy and attach a copy of each statement.
Question 28: Submit any current Affirmative Action Plan(s) created pursuant to Executive Order 11246.
Question 29: If your firm or collective bargaining agreement has an internal grievance procedure, indicate this
and submit a copy of the policy and procedure. If unwritten, explain its nature and operation.
Explain how your firm's procedure addresses EEO complaints.
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Question 30: If your employees have used the procedure in the last three (3) years, please submit an
explanation in the format indicated below:
Question 31. Indicate whether in the past three (3) years complaints have been filed with a court of law
or administrative agency, naming your company as a defendant (or respondent) in a
complaint alleging violation of any anti-discrimination or affirmative action laws. If yes,
develop and submit a log to show, for each administrative/and or judicial action filed, the
following information:
1. Name(s) of
2. Administrative agency
or court in which action
was filed
3. Nature of the
4. Current status
5. If not pending, the
complaint’s disposition
Question 32: Identify each job for which a physical qualification exists. Identify and explain the physical
qualification(s) for each stated job. Submit job descriptions for each job and the reasons for the
Question 33. Identify each job for which there exists any qualification related to age, race, color, national origin,
sex, creed, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or citizenship status. Identify and explain
the specific related qualification for each job stated. Submit job descriptions for each job and the
reasons for the qualifications.
Question 34: Please check for which job categories the listed policies and practices listed apply.
Question 35: If you employee 150 persons or more please indicate the relevant geographical area from which
you recruit for each job category.
LESS THAN 150 EMPLOYEES: Vendors or suppliers with less than 150 employees at the
facility(ies) performing on this contract need only complete Parts I, II and the Signature Page.
Indicate the name and location of the reported facility in the upper right hand corner of Form A. Please circle the
occupational category at the top of the page in order to identify the job titles being reported on the page. Remember, if
you circle "professional" the page should reflect only those titles classified as professionals.
You must use separate pages of Form A for each occupational category. You should photocopy as many forms as you
need to report all of the titles.
Occupational Category
List and classify each company job title which exists in the reported facility. In selecting the appropriate occupational
category for each job title please note that the occupational categories listed in abbreviated form at the upper right
corner reflect the eleven (11) occupational categories utilized in the 1990 Census. These occupational categories are
listed in Appendix B (page 22) and appear as italicized headings within the parenthesis above each group of
occupational titles listed in Appendix B. Be sure you are using the correct occupational category when selecting the
category in Appendix B that most closely corresponds to your company job titles.
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Company Job Title
Column 1: List all job titles which fall within the category circled. (These are titles, not census codes,
occupational categories or specific people).
If you have an unusual company job title which you are unable to place within an occupational category,
please fill out the job description form and DLS will classify the job title for you.
If two job titles have similar pay rate, opportunity and responsibility, they may be checked off in the same job group. But
you may not skip a job group within an occupational category. The rankings in each occupational category must begin
with Job Group 1, then Job Group 2, and so on. It is not necessary to reach Job Group 5, and in fact most small and
medium-sized organizations do not.
Under limited circumstances will DLS allow more than five job groups to be established in an occupational category,
but in no instance will more than ten job groups be allowed. If you believe that more than five job groups in any
occupational category is absolutely necessary, please call DLS and ask for assistance.
Column 5: Record the total number of your current employees by job title.
Columns 6-15: Distribute by sex and minority status (see below), the total number of incumbents in each job title.
Add the totals in column 5 for the entire occupational category (e.g., Managers) and place the
resulting number in the box at the top left hand corner of the page. If there are no incumbents in
an occupational category, you must report zero (0).
"Minority," "Minorities, " or "Minority Group" means Black, Hispanic (non-European), Asian, and
Native American (American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut). These groups are defined as follows:
Black: descended from any of the Black African racial groups and not of Spanish origin;
Hispanic: of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican, Central or South American
Spanish origin or culture regardless of race;
Asian or Pacific Islander: descended from any of the original peoples of the Far East,
Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands;
Native American, Alaskan Native: descended from any of the original peoples of North
America or Alaska and maintaining identifiable tribal affiliation through membership and
participation or community recognition.
The incumbents reported should reflect a snapshot of your workforce as of the date your Employment Report was
The New Hires Form calls for information concerning only those employees hired over the last three years,
including those who are no longer with your firm.
If any required information is unavailable, please contact the city agency with which you are contracting
(contracting agency). If you are contracting through the Department of General Services/Division of
Municipal Supplies, you must contact the Division of Labor Services directly.
Social Security No. or Employee ID No.
Column 1: Write the social security number or employee ID number of all employees hired. Each
permanent ID number must be employee specific.
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Sex and Race/Ethnic Code
Column 2: Using the codes at the bottom of the form, fill in the sex and race of each employee listed
in column
Column 3: "Minority," "Minorities, " or "Minority Group" means: Black, Hispanic (non-European),
Asian, and Native American (American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut). These groups are defined
on above.
Year of Hire
Column 4: Enter year of hire for each employee hired within the past three years.
If there are no "new hires" for one or more of the past three years, please indicate this at the certification box
located below the legends.
Company Job Number at Hire
Column 5: List the company job number (Form A, Column 2) for the title in which the employee was
All company job numbers utilized on this form must be reported on Form A, even if the job title that the job
number represents no longer exists. If a company number is listed as a three digit number on the job
classification and incumbents form (i.e. 006), that precise three digit number must be utilized in this column
and in column eight. Do not substitute “6” for “006”.
Matching Census Code
Column 6: Refer to the census codes which were assigned to the job titles on Form A. List the
census code assigned to the company job title into which the employee was hired.
If the same company job number is listed more than once in Column 5, the same census code must be
assigned each time that company job number is reported.
Where applicable, the same census code may be assigned to different company job numbers. For example,
job titles senior accountant and junior accountant may both be assigned detailed census code 023
(accountants and auditors).
If you are unable to find a suitable census code match for one or more of your company job titles, fill in the
Job Description Form Employment Report, page 14) and DLS will match it to a census code.
Weekly Salary at Hire
Column 7: Report the weekly salary of each employee listed at hire. If not weekly, salaries must still
be listed in a uniform manner (i.e., monthly salaries instead of weekly).
Current Company Job Number
Column 8: Enter the current company job number of each employee listed. This may or may not be
a change from Column 5, depending on whether there was a change in job title
(promotion, transfer, demotion) for the employee.
If any employee listed as a new hire is no longer with your firm, place an "I" in this column if the employee
was discharged or laid off, a "V" if the employee resigned, an "R" if the employee retired and a "D" if the
employee is deceased.
Remember that all company job numbers utilized on this form must have been reported on Form A.
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Weekly Current Salary
Column 9: Enter the current salary of each employee listed. This may or may not be a change from
Column 7. This salary must be reported in the same uniform manner (i.e. weekly,
monthly) as Column 7.
If any employee listed is no longer with your firm, place an "I", "V", "R", or a "D" in this column as appropriate.
The Terminations Form calls for information concerning only those employees whose employment
terminated over the last three years. If no termination occurred in any of the past three years, indicate this
fact in the certification box.
If any required information is unavailable, please contact the city agency with which you are contracting
(contracting agency). If you are contracting through the Department of General Services/Division of
Municipal Supplies, you must contact the Division of Labor Services directly.
Social Security No. or Employee ID No.
Column 1: Write the social security number or other permanent employee ID number for each
employee listed. Each permanent ID number utilized must be employee specific.
Please be sure that all employees listed on the "New Hires Form" as terminated (with a "V", "R", "I" or "D" in
columns 8 and 9) are consistently reported on this Form.
Sex and Race/Ethnic Code
Column 2: Using the codes at the bottom of the form fill in the sex and race of each employee listed
in column
Column 3: "Minority," "Minorities ", or "Minority Group" means: Black, Hispanic (non-European),
Asian, and Native American (American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut). These groups are defined
Age at Termination
Column 4: Indicate the age of each employee listed. Please do not give birth dates.
Year of Hire
Column 5: If any employee listed on this form was rehired, enter the year of last hire.
Last Company Job Number
Column 6: Enter the last company job number assigned to terminees (this number must be from the
job numbers assigned on Form A, column 2).
All company job numbers utilized on this form must be reported on the Form A, even if the title and number
no longer exist.
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Year of Termination
Column 7: Indicate the year of employee's termination.
Type of Termination
Column 8: Indicate the type of termination by placing an "I" in this column if the employee was
discharged or laid off, a "V" if the employee resigned, an "R" if the employees retired or a
"D" if the employee is deceased.
Remember that all company job numbers utilized on this form must have been reported on Form A.
The signatory of this Employment Report and all other documents submitted to DLS must be an official authorized to
enter into a binding legal agreement. The signature page must be completed in its entirety and notarized. Only
original signatures will be accepted.