Guide to Law Review Research
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About This Guide
In this guide, the graphics and step-by-step instructions are based on accessing Westlaw via the Internet.
Because of the evolving nature of Internet technology, there may be recent changes to the Westlaw interface and
functionality that are not reflected in this documentation.
Information in this guide is current through June 19, 2007.
ALR, Am Jur, KeyCite, KeySearch, National Reporter System, QuoteRight, Supreme Court Reporter, The West Education Network, TWEN,
United States Code Annotated, USCA, U.S. Code Congressional and Administrative News, WestCheck,, WestClip, West Key Number System,
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Table of Contents
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Section 1. Selecting a Topic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Current Trends in the Law ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Selecting a Topic Involving an Unresolved Issue or Circuit Split ............................................................................ 5
Selecting a Topic Involving a Specific State ............................................................................................................. 6
Using the Clipping Service on Westlaw ................................................................................................................... 6
Section 2. Conducting a Preemption Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Legal Indexes ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Law Reviews and Journals ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Section 3. Developing Your Topic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Legal Encyclopedias and Treatises ........................................................................................................................ 10
Case Law ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
Legislative History ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Statutory Construction .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Nonlegal Sources ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Section 4. Checking Your Citations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Checking Citations with KeyCite........................................................................................................................... 18
Monitoring Citations with KeyCite Alert ............................................................................................................. 22
Retrieving Cited Cases Using the Table of Authorities ......................................................................................... 23
Using WestCheck ................................................................................................................................................... 24
Section 5. Verifying Page Numbers and Quotations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Star Paging ............................................................................................................................................................ 25
Checking Quotations ............................................................................................................................................ 25
The QuoteRight Automated Quotation-Checking Service in WestCheck ............................................................. 26
Section 6. Using The West Education Network (TWEN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Improving Communication ................................................................................................................................... 27
Posting and Sharing Documents .......................................................................................................................... 28
Increasing Your Legal Research Efficiency............................................................................................................. 28
Section 7. Improving Your Law Review Skills with CiteStation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Accessing CiteStation ............................................................................................................................................ 29
Using CiteStation ................................................................................................................................................... 30
This student guide for law review and journal research shows you how to use Westlaw databases and services
to perform a number of tasks, including the following:
Selecting a topic for a law review or journal article
Performing a preemption check
Developing your topic
Checking citations and quotations included in an article
Using The West Education Network (TWEN) to improve law review and journal management
Developing your citation skills using CiteStation
This guide is written with the assumption that you have a working knowledge of Westlaw.
In most databases, you have the option of using either the Terms and Connectors (Boolean) search method or the
Natural Language search method. Examples using both methods are included in this guide.
To arrange for individual or group instruction on Westlaw, contact the West academic account manager or a West
student representative at your school.
If you have questions or need assistance while researching on Westlaw, see the guide Winning Research Skills or
contact West directly. For general or technical questions or for search assistance with Westlaw, call
1-800-850-WEST (1-800-850-9378). Assistance is available 24 hours a day.
For an excellent example of a student-authored comment, see Retelling the Story of Affirmative Action: Reflections
on a Decade of Federal Jurisprudence in the Public Workplace by John Cocchi Day, 89 Cal. L. Rev. 59 (2001).
Day’s comment won the 2001 Scribes Law Review Notes and Comments Competition for the best-written student
comment. You can use the Find service to retrieve it. Type 89 calr 59 in the Find by citation text box at the tabbed
Law School page and click Go.
Selecting a Topic
Database Identifier
Antitrust WTH-ATR
Bankruptcy WTH-BKR
Business Organizations WTH-BUS
Commercial Law WTH-CML
Copyrights WTH-COPY
Criminal Justice WTH-CJ
E-Commerce WTH-ECOMM
Education WTH-ED
Energy and Utilities WTH-EN
Environmental Law WTH-ENV
Estate Planning and Probate WTH-EPP
Family Law WTH-FL
Database Identifier
Finance and Banking WTH-FIN
Health WTH-HTH
Insurance WTH-IN
Labor and Employment WTH-LB
Litigation WTH-LTG
Maritime Law WTH-MRT
Patents WTH-PAT
Products Liability WTH-PL
Real Property WTH-RP
Securities Regulation WTH-SEC
Taxation WTH-TAX
Trademarks WTH-TR
Section 1. Selecting a Topic
Current Trends in the Law
Researching current trends in the law can help you find an issue or important recent decision that could form the
basis of a law review or journal article. Westlaw contains many sources that will inform you of trends in all areas
of the law.
Westlaw Highlights databases
Westlaw Highlights databases include both Westlaw Topical Highlights databases and Westlaw Bulletin databases.
Westlaw Highlights databases
provide a quick, convenient way to stay informed of legal developments and trends in the judicial, legislative, and
administrative arenas.
are updated daily to provide current information in the topical and jurisdictional areas listed below.
Westlaw Topical Highlights databases
Selecting a Topic
Database Identifier
Westlaw Bulletin WLB
Westlaw Bulletin–U.S. Supreme Court WLB-SCT
Westlaw State Bulletins–California WSB-CA
Westlaw State Bulletins–Florida WSB-FL
Westlaw State Bulletins–Illinois WSB-IL
Westlaw State Bulletins–Louisiana WSB-LA
Database Identifier
Westlaw State Bulletins–Massachusetts WSB-MA
Westlaw State Bulletins–New Jersey WSB-NJ
Westlaw State Bulletins–New York WSB-NY
Westlaw State Bulletins–Ohio WSB-OH
Westlaw State Bulletins–Pennsylvania WSB-PA
Westlaw State Bulletins–Texas WSB-TX
To access a Westlaw Highlights database, type its identifier in the Search these databases text box at the tabbed
Law School page and click Go. A result list of documents added to the database in the last two weeks is
automatically displayed. To view a summary of a listed document, click its number. The result list is then
displayed in the left frame and the document is displayed in the right frame.
The summary may indicate that the full text of the document is available on Westlaw. To retrieve the full text of
the document, click its hypertext link.
To run a search in a Westlaw Highlights database, click Edit Search in the left frame or at the top of a result list.
Delete the current query in the text box, type your Terms and Connectors query or Natural Language
description, and click Search Westlaw.
Notable trials: transcripts and court documents databases
Highly publicized trials can affect the U.S. justice system far beyond the jurisdictions in which they take place. The
conduct and outcome of such trials are often subjects for legal scholarship. Official transcripts and court documents
from a number of significant trials are available in individual databases on Westlaw. As trials progress, the
databases are updated regularly. Examples of such trial databases are listed below and on the next page.
Database Identifier
Notable Trials Transcripts and Documents TRIALS-ALL
Official pretrial and trial transcripts and court documents from the individual notable trials databases
currently on Westlaw. Coverage varies by database.
Clinton Impeachment Transcripts IMPEACH-TRANS
Transcripts of statements and witness testimony from the impeachment proceedings of President
Clinton before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary, and his trial by the U.S.
Senate. Coverage begins with November 1998.
Doe v. Bush Trial Transcripts and Documents DOEVBUSH
Court documents, such as motions, briefs, and court orders, and transcripts of hearings in the case of
Doe v. Bush, which concerns the issue of whether the president may unilaterally wage war on Iraq
without a congressional declaration of war. Coverage is from February 2003 to March 2003.
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Documents FORINTSUR-DOC
Opinions, orders, memoranda, and other documents concerning matters before the U.S. Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court. Coverage begins with May 1995.
Westlaw Bulletin databases
Selecting a Topic
Guantanamo Bay Military Commissions–Motions and Decisions FMIL-GBDOC
Motions and decisions in the Guantanamo Bay military commission cases United States v. Ali Hamza
Ahmad Sulayman al Bahlul, United States v. David M. Hicks, United States v. Salim Ahmed Hamdan,
and United States v. Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al Qosi. Coverage begins with July 2004.
Martha Stewart Securities Trial MARTHA
Court filings, news articles, and other documents pertaining to the Martha Stewart ImClone securities
trial. Coverage begins with 2003.
McVeigh Death Penalty Documents MCVEIGH-DP
Official trial transcripts and court documents from United States v. McVeigh and Entertainment
Network, Inc. v. Lappin, dealing with issues surrounding Timothy McVeigh’s execution and
Entertainment Network’s claim of a First Amendment right to broadcast the execution via the
Internet. Coverage begins with December 2000.
Microsoft Antitrust Appeals Documents MICROAPP-DOC
Documents filed with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in the antitrust
case United States v. Microsoft Corporation. Coverage begins with June 2000.
Microsoft Trial Transcripts MICROSOFT-TRANS
Transcripts from the case United States v. Microsoft Corporation, consolidated with New York v.
Microsoft Corporation. Coverage begins with October 1998.
Minnesota Tobacco Case Transcripts MNTOBAC-TRANS
All transcripts (excluding voir dire) from the Minnesota case State v. Philip Morris Inc. Coverage
begins with January 1998.
New York Times v. Tasini–Documents TASINI-DOC
Court-filed documents, oral argument materials, briefs, and court opinions related to New York Times
v. Tasini from the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York; the U.S. Court of Appeals,
Second Circuit; and the U.S. Supreme Court. Coverage begins with December 1993.
Presidential Election Litigation 2000 PRESLIT-DOC
Documents filed in cases in Florida state courts and federal courts relating to the 2000 presidential
election voting dispute. Coverage begins with November 2000.
Unabomber Trial Transcripts and Documents UNABOMB-TRANS
Official pretrial and trial transcripts and court documents from the case United States of America v.
Theodore John Kaczynski. Coverage begins with April 1996.
Selecting a Topic
NewsRoom databases
NewsRoom gives you easy access to more than 12,000 databases containing newspapers, magazines, journals,
newswires, newsletters, and transcripts of television and radio programs. You can use these databases to retrieve the
latest business information and news.
Examples include newspapers such as the New York Times, magazines such as Business Week, and transcripts from
programs such as CBS: 60 Minutes. For a complete list of business and news databases, see the Business and News
section of the Westlaw Directory.
American Political Network databases
The American Political Network databases are an excellent source of quotes, polling information, and political
analysis. When you access an American Political Network database, a result list of documents added to the
database in the previous week is automatically displayed.
To view a listed document, click its number. The result list is then displayed in the left frame and the document is
displayed in the right frame.
To run a search in an American Political Network database such as those described below, click Edit Search in
the left frame or at the top of the result list. Delete the current query in the text box, type your Terms and
Connectors query or Natural Language description, and click Search Westlaw.
Database Identifier
American Political Network–American Health Line APN-HE
Daily briefings on current issues in health care, politics, and policy. Coverage begins with March 1992.
American Political Network–The Hotline APN-HO
Daily briefings on political and public affairs information. Coverage begins with January 1990.
Selecting a Topic Involving an Unresolved Issue or Circuit Split
New legal issues and issues causing a split in opinion among the federal circuit courts provide excellent subject
matter for law review articles. The following examples show how to look for information on such issues in a
variety of databases. To retrieve recent results, add a date restriction to your query, e.g., court circuit /s split &
da(aft 3/2007).
Database Identifier Suggested Search
Preview of U.S. Supreme Court Cases SCT-PREVIEW court circuit /s split & da(aft 1/2006)
U.S. Courts of Appeals Cases CTA issue question matter /s “first impression” novel &
da(aft 3/2007)
Journals and Law Reviews JLR ”beyond the scope” /s note article comment /s court
circuit & da(aft 2/2007)
National Law Journal NLJ court circuit /s split & da(aft 9/2006)
Legal Newspapers LEGALNP court circuit /s split & da(aft 2/2007)
Selecting a Topic
Selecting a Topic Involving a Specific State
State law or state-to-state differences in the law also provide good subject matter for law review articles. The
Westlaw Directory organizes case law, statutory and administrative materials, and business information and news
databases by individual state. The following examples show you how to look for information in a variety of
Database Identifier Suggested Search
Westlaw State Bulletins database, e.g., WSB-CA s.l.a.p.p. “strategic lawsuit”
Westlaw State Bulletins–California
state legal newspapers, NYLJ broadnax & emotional /s distress harm! injur!
e.g., New York Law Journal
local newspapers, e.g., Boston Globe BOSTONG legislat! /p stem /s cell /s research! & da(aft 2005)
recent news from or about a particular MNNEWS smok! /3 free ban & da(aft 2/2007)
state (XXNEWS, where XX is the
state’s two-letter postal abbreviation),
e.g., Minnesota News
legal periodicals from a specific state FL-JLR “valued policy” /s law statute
(XX-JLR, where XX is the state’s
two-letter postal abbreviation), e.g.,
Florida Journals and Law Reviews
proposed state bills (XX-BILLTXT, CA-BILLTXT energy /4 efficien! /s low-emission
where XX is the state’s two-letter
postal abbreviation), e.g., California
Bill Tracking–Full Text
proposed state regulations NJ-REGTRK identity theft” /s prevent!
(XX-REGTRK, where XX is the
state’s two-letter postal abbreviation),
e.g., New Jersey Regulation Tracking
Using the Clipping Service on Westlaw
WestClip on Westlaw is a clipping service that allows you to keep track of the people, places, and events of interest
to you. WestClip will run your Terms and Connectors queries on a regular basis and deliver the results to you
What can you do with WestClip?
Conduct your preemption checking using a variety of Westlaw databases to track your issue and automatically
notify you of developments that may affect it. For example, watch for law review articles about the death
penalty as applied to juveniles by creating a WestClip entry such as death /5 penalty /p juvenile minor in the
Journals and Law Reviews database (JLR).
Stay abreast of legal issues or practice areas of interest to you. For example, track articles about developments in
intellectual property by creating a WestClip entry such as gene genetic /s test testing in the Intellectual Property
News database (IPNEWS).
Keep tabs on firms or companies for which you’d like to work. For example, monitor the Sullivan and Cromwell
law firm in New York City by creating a WestClip entry such as sullivan /3 cromwell in the New York Times
database (NYT).
Selecting a Topic
3. Type a database identifier and a query in the appropriate text boxes.
4. To change your delivery settings, click Edit. After you have changed your settings, click Save at the bottom of
the WestClip: Edit Delivery Settings page and the WestClip: Create Entry page.
Adding your current query to WestClip
To add your current Terms and Connectors query to WestClip, click Add Search to WestClip at the top of the result
list or click Result Options on the Result List tab and choose Add Search to WestClip from the menu that is
WestClip: Create Entry page
For more information about WestClip, see Tracking Cases with WestClip. Go to,
then click Law School.
Add Search to WestClip option above result list
Creating a WestClip entry
To create a WestClip entry, follow these steps:
1. Click Alert Center at the top of any page.
2. Click Create Entry in the WestClip section. The WestClip: Create Entry page is displayed, as shown below.
Click Add Search
to WestClip to add
your current Terms
and Connectors
query to WestClip.
Conducting a Preemption Check
Section 2. Conducting a
Preemption Check
Before you spend considerable time and energy writing a law review article on a particular topic, you’ll want to be
sure that you’re covering new ground. Use the following Westlaw databases to determine whether articles on your
subject have already been written.
Legal Indexes
Database Identifier
Current Index to Legal Periodicals CILP
Weekly editions of the Current Index to Legal Periodicals, which indexes articles from more than 300
legal publications. Coverage includes the most recent eight weeks.
Index to Legal Periodicals ILP
Index to articles from more than 500 journals from the United States, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain,
Australia, and New Zealand. Coverage begins with August 1981. Available to law schools only if they
Search tips
When you access CILP you automatically receive the eight most recent issues. The first document displayed is the
index for the current week.
To find entries in CILP on a specific subject such as immigration, restrict your search to the topic field (to):
To retrieve articles in ILP on a specific subject such as liability for unauthorized Web links, use the Natural
Language search method. Type a description such as liability for unauthorized web links.
Law Reviews and Journals
Whether you are looking for a specific article, or performing an extensive survey of the legal literature, the more
than 900 law reviews and journals available on Westlaw give you access to a wealth of information. Law reviews
and journals are available in individual databases such as Harvard Law Review (HVLR) as well as in the general
and practice-area multibases described below.
General Database Identifier
Texts and Periodicals–All Law Reviews, Texts, and Bar Journals TP-ALL
Documents from law reviews, texts, continuing legal education (CLE) course handbooks, bar journals,
legal practice–oriented periodicals, American Law Reports (ALR), and American Jurisprudence 2d
(Am Jur 2d). Coverage varies by publication.
Journals and Law Reviews JLR
Individual State Journals and Law Reviews XX-JLR
Materials from law reviews, CLE course handbooks, and bar journals. Coverage varies by publication.
Materials from individual states are found in databases with the identifier XX-JLR, where XX is a
state’s two-letter postal abbreviation, e.g., NY-JLR.
Conducting a Preemption Check
Practice-Area Database Identifier
Administrative Law AD-TP
Antitrust and Trade Regulation ATR-TP
Art, Entertainment, and Sports Law AES-TP
Bankruptcy BKR-TP
Business Organizations BUS-TP
Civil Rights CIV-TP
Class Actions CLA-TP
Commercial Law and Contracts CML-TP
Communications COM-TP
Criminal Justice CJ-TP
Death Penalty DP-TP
Education ED-TP
Energy EN-TP
Environmental Law ENV-TP
Estate Planning and Probate EPP-TP
Family Law FL-TP
Finance and Banking FIN-TP
First Amendment CFA-TP
Government Benefits GB-TP
Government Contracts GC-TP
Health Law HTH-TP
Homeland Security and HOMELAND-TP
Practice-Area Database Identifier
Immigration Law IM-TP
Insurance IN-TP
Intellectual Property IP-TP
International Law INT-TP
Jurisprudence and Constitutional JCT-TP
Labor and Employment LB-TP
Legal Ethics and Professional ETH-TP
Litigation LTG-TP
Maritime Law MRT-TP
Medical Malpractice MM-TP
Military Law MIL-TP
Native American Law NAM-TP
Pension and Retirement Benefits PEN-TP
Products Liability PL-TP
Professional Malpractice MAL-TP
Real Property RP-TP
Securities and Blue Sky Law SEC-TP
Taxation TX-TP
Tort Law TRT-TP
Transportation TRAN-TP
Workers’ Compensation WC-TP
Search tips
To determine what has already been written on a particular topic, run a Natural Language search such as the
following in one of the practice-area databases such as Criminal Justice–Law Reviews, Texts, and Bar Journals
(CJ-TP): death penalty for juveniles
To find articles written by a particular author, such as Arthur Miller, access the Journals and Law Reviews
database (JLR) and type a Terms and Connectors query such as the following, restricting your search to the
author field (au): au(arthur /3 miller)
When you know the citation of a law review article, use Find to retrieve it. For example, to retrieve the article at
102 Yale L.J. 835, type 102 yalelj 835 in the Find by citation text box at the Law School page.
To move directly from the displayed article to a cited case, statute, other law review article, ALR annotation, or
other source, click its hypertext link.
Developing Your Topic
Section 3. Developing Your Topic
Once you’ve chosen a topic, you can begin the research process. This section shows you some of the many sources
of background information available on Westlaw that you can use to develop your topic. In most databases, you
can use either the Terms and Connectors search method or the Natural Language search method.
Legal Encyclopedias and Treatises
American Law Reports
American Law Reports (ALR) contains annotations that review and analyze the complete body of state and federal
law. The attorneys who write the annotations search relevant sources, collect and analyze the law on the issue, and
prepare a detailed discussion of the general principles deduced from their research. Each ALR article is a complete
legal memorandum on a particular legal issue. Use the American Law Reports database (ALR) to gather
background information, determine the applicable primary law, and find leads to other secondary materials such as
forms and practice guides.
Search tips
To browse the complete ALR index, type the following Terms and Connectors query, restricting your search to
the citation field (ci): ci(index). The first document in your result contains a list of all topics in the index.
To retrieve ALR annotations referencing a particular case, restrict your search to the jurisdictions field (jur). For
example, to retrieve annotations that reference Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, 124 S. Ct. 2633 (2004), type the following
Terms and Connectors query: jur(hamdi & rumsfeld)
To go directly from a retrieved annotation to a cited case, statute, related ALR annotation, or other source, click
its hypertext link.
American Jurisprudence 2d
American Jurisprudence 2d (Am Jur 2d) is a comprehensive encyclopedia of state and federal law containing more
than 400 separate titles on a broad range of legal topics. Use the American Jurisprudence 2d database (AMJUR) to
gather background information, determine the applicable primary law, and find leads to other secondary materials
such as forms and practice guides.
Search tips
To browse an alphabetical list of all Am Jur 2d titles, access AMJUR. At the Search page, click Table of
Contents. Then click the plus (+) and minus () symbols to browse the table of contents.
You can also search for the title name in the citation field: ci(“wrongful discharge”)
To go directly from a retrieved title to a cited case, statute, Am Jur publication, or other source, click its
hypertext link.
Developing Your Topic
State-specific resources
When you are researching the law of a specific state, use the Westlaw Directory for convenient access to the state
materials you need. For example, if you are looking for background information on New York law, click Directory
at the top of any page, then click U.S. State Materials. New York will be listed first if it is your home jurisdiction.
Otherwise, click Other U.S. States, and then click New York.
At the displayed list of New York materials, click Forms, Treatises, CLEs and Other Practice Material to view a
complete list of New York texts and treatises, as shown below. To access a database, such as Handling a Criminal
Case in New York (HCCNY), simply click its name.
Other treatises
The Texts and Treatises database (TEXTS) contains the full text of all available texts and treatises on Westlaw. To
view Scope for a list of the materials that are included in the TEXTS database, click the Scope icon.
Case Law
West attorney-editors analyze the legal issues in every case published in West’s National Reporter System and
summarize each issue in a headnote. Each headnote is a succinct expression of the legal issues raised by the
interactions of the facts in a case and the rules of law.
Headnotes on Westlaw give you the following research advantages:
West headnotes lay out the black letter of the law and apply the law to the facts of the particular case.
To access a
database, click
its name.
Click a Scope
icon for
details about
a database.
List of New York text and treatise databases in the Westlaw Directory
Developing Your Topic
Each headnote is classified to the West Key Number System, providing you with access to all other cases that
discuss similar points of law.
Each headnote covers one point of law and West key numbers classify each headnote to at least one of more
than 100,000 legal classifications. You can focus precisely on your issue when you combine key numbers with
your search terms.
West editors add search terms that you’re likely to use, such as synonyms, terms of art, and terms characterizing
legal relationships (e.g., landlord and tenant rather than appellant and appellee).
Searching with topic and key numbers
West topic and key numbers help you focus your research and retrieve relevant cases. If you have an on-point case
and want to find additional cases, run a search using the topic and key number from the relevant headnote in an
appropriate database to find other cases classified to that topic and key number. To format a topic and key number
search, access an appropriate case law database and type the topic number, the letter k, and the key number. For
example, to search for cases containing topic 372, Telecommunications, and key number 1434, Wiretapping in
General, access a case law database and enter the following search: 372k1434. Note that slip opinions and cases
from topical services do not contain West topic and key numbers.
The complete topic and key number outline used by West attorney-editors to classify headnotes is available in the
West Key Number Digest, also known as the Custom Digest. You can use the West Key Number Digest to find
topic and key numbers related to your issue and to retrieve cases with headnotes classified under those topic and
key numbers.
To access the West Key Number Digest, access a case law database. At the Search page, click Custom Digest to
display the topic and key number outline. Click the plus and minus symbols to browse the outline. Select the check
box next to each topic or key number you want to include in your custom digest, then click Search selected.
West Key Number Digest page
Click the plus and
minus symbols to
browse the outline.
Select the check box
next to a topic and
key number to include
it in your search, then
click Search selected.
Developing Your Topic
The Custom Digest search page is displayed, as shown below. Select the jurisdiction from which you want to
retrieve headnotes. You can also select a date restriction and add search terms. Once you have made your
selections, click Search. The retrieved headnotes are displayed in the right frame. To retrieve the full text of a
case, click the case citation.
West Key Number Digest search page
West Key Number Digest search result
Select a source and
click Search.
Type additional terms in
the text box, if desired.
Click a citation to
display the full
text of the case.
Developing Your Topic
Using KeySearch
KeySearch is a tool powered by the West Key Number System that identifies key numbers and terms related to your
legal issue and runs a query created by a West attorney-editor for you. KeySearch retrieves documents that contain
key numbers, such as cases with West headnotes, as well as documents that don’t contain topic and key numbers,
such as law reviews and cases without West headnotes.
Selecting a topic
To access KeySearch, click Key Numbers at the top of any page. Then click KeySearch under Browse Key Numbers.
Browse the list of topics and subtopics in the right frame by clicking the Browse icons ( ). When you see a topic
or subtopic related to your issue, select it by clicking the Search all of ... link at the top of the page or by clicking
the Search icon ( ) next to it. You can also search the list of KeySearch topics and subtopics for specific terms by
typing the terms in the text box in the left frame and clicking Go.
Click the Browse icons next
to the topic and subtopics
to browse the list.
Type your terms in the text
box and click Go to search
the list of KeySearch topics
and subtopics.
Letting KeySearch provide a query for you
Once you’ve selected a topic or subtopic to search, select the source you want to retrieve documents from and, if
desired, type additional terms in the Add search terms text box. KeySearch provides a query for you based on the
topic or subtopic and source you selected and on any search terms you entered in the Add search terms text box.
Click Search to run the KeySearch query.
Type additional terms in
the text box, if desired.
Select a source and
click Search to run the
KeySearch query.
KeySearch topics and subtopics
KeySearch search page
Developing Your Topic
Legislative History
Legislative history materials are often necessary to fully interpret statutory law. For convenient access to state
legislative history materials, use the tabbed Legislative History–State page. The following federal legislative history
materials are also available on Westlaw.
Compiled legislative histories
The Washington, D.C., law firm of Arnold & Porter has compiled a comprehensive group of reports, hearings,
congressional debates, and other documents for each of the following acts.
Name of Act Database Identifier
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ADA-LH
Bankruptcy Amendments and Federal Judgeship Act of 1984 BANKR84-LH
Bankruptcy Judges, United States Trustees, and Family Farmer Bankruptcy Act of 1986 BANKR86-LH
Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978 BANKR78-LH
Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1994 BANKR94-LH
Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 AP-CLASS-LH
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 CAA77-LH
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 CAA90-LH
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 CERCLA-LH
Do-Not-Call Implementation Act of 2003 DNCIA-LH
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ERISA-LH
Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 AP-FAIRCH-LH
False Claims Amendments Act of 1986 FALSECLM-LH
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 FAMLV-LH
Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 FWPCA72-LH
Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 FIRREA-LH
General Revision of Copyright Law, 1976 COPYREV76-LH
Government Securities Act of 1986 GOVSEC86-LH
Government Securities Reform Act of 1993 GOVSEC93-LH
Homeland Security Act of 2002 HOMESEC-LH
Insider Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act of 1988 INSIDER-LH
Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 MEDPRES-LH
Multiemployer Pension Plan Amendments Act of 1980 MULTEMPL-LH
North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act NAFTA-LH
Riegle Community Development and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994 RIEGLE94-LH
Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994 IBANK94-LH
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 SAROX-LH
Standards Development Organization Advancement Act of 2004 STDOAA-LH
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 SARA-LH
Telecommunications Act of 1996 TELECOM-LH
USA Patriot Act of 2001 PATRIOT-LH
Developing Your Topic
The following databases of compiled congressional information are also available on Westlaw.
Database Identifier
Bankruptcy Reform Act Legislative History BKRA-LH
Federal Immigration–Legislative History FIM-LH
Federal Securities Law–Legislative History FSEC-LH
Federal Taxation–Legislative History FTX-LH
Federal Taxation–Materials on the Tax Reform Act of 1986 FTX-TRA86
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Legislative History GLBA-LH
Legislative History–1776 LH-1776
Legislative History–U.S. Code, 1948 to Present LH
National Association of Insurance Commissioners–Model Laws, Regulations, and Guidelines NAIC-MODLRG
RIA Internal Revenue Code Historical Notes RIA-HN
RIA United States Tax Reporter–Committee Reports RIA-USTR-LH
RIA United States Tax Reporter–Estate Committee Reports RIA-USTREST-LH
RIA United States Tax Reporter–Excise Committee Reports RIA-USTREXC-LH
U.S. Code Congressional and Administrative News–Legislative History Reports USCCAN-REP
U.S. Code Congressional and Administrative News–Legislative History Table USCCAN-TABLE
House and Senate testimony
Transcripts of oral and written testimony submitted by witnesses at congressional committee hearings are available
in the U.S. Congressional Testimony database (USTESTIMONY). Coverage begins with January 1993 and
documents are added within a few days of a hearing. Congressional testimony is also available in the Congressional
Testimony database (CONGTMY). Coverage begins with November 2004.
Floor debates and reports on the public proceedings of the U.S. Congress, as printed in the Congressional Record,
are available in the Congressional Record database (CR). Coverage extends back to 1985 and the database is
updated daily. Congressional activities concerning particular legislative initiatives are also covered in specialized
databases such as the Bankruptcy Reform Act Congressional Record (BKRA-CR) and Gramm-Leach-Bliley
Act–Congressional Record (GLBA-CR) databases.
Statutory Construction
It is often helpful to see how cases or other documents construe a statute or regulation to gain a deeper
understanding of the particular law in question. When working with a statute, it is usually best to start by checking
the statutory annotations available on Westlaw. You can also use the KeyCite citation research service on Westlaw
to find this type of information. KeyCite lists cases, administrative materials, secondary sources, and briefs and
other court documents that cite a statute or regulation. For more information about KeyCite, see Section 4,
“Checking Your Citations.”
Developing Your Topic
Nonlegal Sources
Ever since a lawyer (and future Supreme Court justice) named Louis Brandeis submitted what came to be known as
a “Brandeis brief,” social and economic data have had a place in legal scholarship. Issues involving science and
technology, such as DNA evidence in criminal trials and copyrights in computer software, have made scientific
information important also. The table below lists a few of the databases on Westlaw that contain this type of
nonlegal information. See the Westlaw Directory for a complete listing.
Database Identifier
Selected articles from Demography, a quarterly journal published by the Population Association of
America covering scientific literature in population studies that are of interest to demographers,
including the social sciences, geography, history, biology, business statistics, epidemiology, and public
health. Coverage begins with February 2000.
Drug Information Fulltext DRUGINFO
Database corresponding to two print publications: AHFS Drug Information and Handbook on
Injectable Drugs. May be searched for information on the stability, chemistry, and pharmacokinetics
of drugs, as well as their action, usage, dosage, and administration.
Economic Literature Index ECONLIT
An index of journal articles and book reviews from economic journals and monographs. Coverage
begins with 1969.
Ei Compendex COMPENDEX
Online version of the Engineering Index, which provides abstracted information from the world’s
significant engineering and technological literature. The Ei Compendex database provides worldwide
coverage of journals and selected government reports and books. Subjects covered include civil,
energy, environmental, geological, and biological engineering; electrical, electronics, and control
engineering; chemical, mining, metals, and fuel engineering; mechanical, automotive, nuclear, and
aerospace engineering; and computers, robotics, and industrial robots. Coverage begins with 1970.
COMPENDEX-C contains documents from the most recent 12 to 24 months.
MEDLINE 1966 to Present MEDLINE
A major source of biomedical literature produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine that
corresponds to three print indexes: Index Medicus, Index to Dental Literature, and International
Nursing Index. Additional materials not published in Index Medicus are included in MEDLINE in
the areas of communication disorders and population and reproductive biology. Coverage begins
with 1966.
Journal citations and citations to sources published by government departments and international
organizations derived from MEDLINE that cover toxicological, pharmacological, biochemical, and
physiological effects of drugs and other chemicals, including adverse drug reactions, chemically
induced diseases, carcinogenesis, teratogenesis, environmental pollution, waste disposal, radiation, and
food contamination. Coverage begins with 1966.
Checking Your Citations
Section 4. Checking Your Citations
Checking Citations with KeyCite
You can use KeyCite, West’s citation research service, to help you determine whether a case, statute, administrative
decision, or regulation is good law and to retrieve citing references. KeyCite covers every case in West’s National
Reporter System, more than 1 million unpublished cases, administrative decisions from selected state and federal
agencies, the United States Code Annotated, the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), statutes from all 50 states,
regulations from selected states, ALR, hundreds of law reviews, and patents issued by the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office. KeyCite provides information such as the following:
direct appellate history of a case or administrative decision
negative citing references for a case or administrative decision
complete integration with the West Key Number System so you can track legal issues discussed in a case
citations to session laws or rules amending or repealing a statute or regulation
citations to proposed legislation affecting federal or state statutes
citations to cases, administrative materials, secondary sources, and briefs and other court documents that have
cited a case, statute, administrative decision, or regulation
The ability to display the direct history of a case in graphical view and unique graphical elements, such as status
flags, depth of treatment stars, and quotation marks, enable you to quickly identify and evaluate information in
KeyCite status flags
A KeyCite status flag lets you immediately know the status of a case, administrative decision, statute, or regulation.
A red flag indicates that the case or administrative decision is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it
contains or that the statute or regulation has been amended by a recent session law or rule, repealed, superseded, or
held unconstitutional or preempted in whole or in part.
A yellow flag indicates that the case or administrative decision has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or
overruled; that the statute has been renumbered or transferred by a recent session law; that an uncodified session law
or proposed legislation affecting the statute is available (statutes merely referenced, i.e., mentioned, are not marked
with a yellow flag); that a proposed rule affecting the regulation is available; that the regulation has been reinstated,
corrected, or confirmed; that the statute or regulation was limited on constitutional or preemption grounds or its
validity was otherwise called into doubt; or that a prior version of the statute or regulation received negative treatment
from a court.
A blue H indicates that the case or administrative decision has some history.
A green C indicates that the case or administrative decision has citing references but no direct history or negative citing
references or that the statute or regulation has citing references.
Checking Your Citations
Accessing KeyCite
Access KeyCite using one of the following methods:
In the left frame of a tabbed page, type a citation in the KeyCite this citation text box and click Go.
Click KeyCite at the top of any page to display the KeyCite page. In the left frame, type a citation in the KeyCite
this citation text box and click Go.
When viewing a document, click Full History (or History) or Citing References on the Links tab in the left frame
or click the KeyCite status flag, when available.
Viewing the history of a case
To view the history of a displayed case, click Full History on the Links tab. The case history is displayed in the right
frame, as shown below. To view only negative history, click the arrow next to Limit KeyCite History Display at the
bottom of the KeyCite history result and choose Show Negative Treatment Only from the menu that is displayed.
Case history is divided into the following categories:
Direct History traces your case through the appellate process and includes both prior and subsequent history.
Negative Citing References lists cases outside the direct appellate line that may have a negative impact on the
precedential value of your case.
Related References lists cases that involve the same parties and facts as your case, whether or not the legal issues
are the same.
Case history also includes links to related court documents such as briefs, motions, and transcripts of oral
KeyCite history for a case
Click the status flag or
Full History to display
KeyCite history for the
To view only negative
history, click the arrow next
to Limit KeyCite History
Display and choose Show
Negative Treatment Only
from the menu that is
Checking Your Citations
Viewing citing references for a case
To view a list of cases, administrative materials, secondary sources, and briefs and other court documents that cite
your case, click Citing References on the Links tab. Citing cases are categorized by the depth of treatment they give
your case.
KeyCite depth of treatment stars
KeyCite depth of treatment stars indicate the extent to which a citing case, administrative decision, or brief
discusses the cited case or administrative decision. The depth of treatment categories are as follows:
★★★★ Examined The citing case, administrative decision, or brief contains an extended discussion of the
cited case or administrative decision, usually more than a printed page of text.
★★★ Discussed The citing case, administrative decision, or brief contains a substantial discussion of the
cited case or administrative decision, usually more than a paragraph but less than a
printed page.
★★ Cited The citing case, administrative decision, or brief contains some discussion of the cited case
or administrative decision, usually less than a paragraph.
Mentioned The citing case, administrative decision, or brief contains a brief reference to the cited case
or administrative decision, usually in a string citation.
Quotation marks
Quotation marks (❜❜) indicate that the citing case, administrative decision, or brief directly quotes the cited case or
administrative decision.
Restricting citing references for a case
If the list of citing references is lengthy, you may want to restrict the list of citing references by headnote, Locate
term, jurisdiction, date, document type, or depth of treatment. Click Limit KeyCite Display at the bottom of the
right frame to display the KeyCite Limits page.
KeyCite citing references for a case
Click Citing
References to
display KeyCite citing
references for a case.
Checking Your Citations
Viewing the history of a statute
Statute history lists cases affecting the validity of a statute plus legislative materials related to the statute.
(Note: A KeyCite status flag is displayed for a statute whose validity is affected by a case if the case was
added to Westlaw after January 15, 2001.) These materials are divided into the following categories:
Updating Documents lists citations to recent session laws that amended or repealed the section.
Proposed Legislation lists citations to proposed bills that reference the section.
Bill Drafts lists all drafts of bills proposed before the section was enacted into law.
Reports and Related Materials lists reporters, journals, Congressional Record documents, presidential or
executive messages, and testimony that are relevant to the section. Also lists voting records for New York
Credits lists in chronological order citations to session laws that have enacted, amended, or renumbered the
Historical and Statutory Notes describes the legislative changes affecting the section.
To view the history of a displayed statute, click History on the Links tab. The statute history is displayed in the
right frame, as shown below.
Viewing citing references for a statute
To view a list of documents that cite your statute, click Citing References on the Links tab. Documents are listed in
the following order: cases that have affected the validity of a section, cases from USCA and state statute notes of
decisions, cases on Westlaw that do not appear in notes of decisions, administrative decisions, Federal Register
documents, secondary sources, briefs and other court documents, statutes and court rules, and administrative codes.
If the list of citing references is long, it will be divided into parts.
KeyCite history for a statute
Click History to
display KeyCite
history for a statute.
Monitoring Citations with KeyCite Alert
KeyCite Alert is a service that automatically monitors the status of your cases, statutes, and administrative materials
and sends you updates when their KeyCite results change, providing you with the most current KeyCite
information for your research.
Creating a KeyCite Alert entry using the wizard
The quickest way to set up KeyCite Alert entries is to use the KeyCite Alert wizard. Click Alert Center in the upper-
right corner of any page. Then click Entry Wizard in the KeyCite Alert section. Type the citation of the document
you want to monitor. The wizard will ask you the necessary questions to complete your KeyCite Alert entry.
Creating a KeyCite Alert entry for the document you are viewing
To create a KeyCite Alert entry for the document you are viewing, click Monitor with KeyCite Alert on the Links
tab. The KeyCite Alert wizard is displayed with the citation of the document automatically entered for you. The
wizard will ask you the necessary questions to complete your KeyCite Alert entry.
Checking Your Citations
KeyCite Alert wizard
Checking Your Citations
Retrieving Cited Cases Using the Table of Authorities
Whereas KeyCite lists citing cases (other cases that cite your case), the Table of Authorities service lists the cases
cited by a case. The Table of Authorities is a useful tool for finding hidden weaknesses in a case by showing
whether the cases on which it relies have significant negative history. The Table of Authorities service is also
available for ALR annotations, law review articles, and selected administrative decisions.
To access the Table of Authorities click Site Map at the top of any page; then click Table of Authorities under
Citator (KeyCite). Type a case citation in the Enter citation text box and click Go.
To access the Table of Authorities while viewing a case, click Table of Authorities on the Links tab.
The Table of Authorities result
lists each case cited by a case. To view the full text of a cited case in the Link Viewer, click the number preceding
its citation in the Table of Authorities list.
displays depth of treatment stars for each cited case, which indicate the extent to which your case discusses the
cited case.
displays KeyCite status flags for cited cases.
displays quotation marks when the citing case directly quotes the cited case.
displays the number of the print page in your case on which the first reference to each of the cited cases is
Table of Authorities result for a case
Checking Your Citations
Using WestCheck
Even with the aid of a computer, citation checking can be a tedious process if you manually type citations and
check them in KeyCite one by one. WestCheck is software available from West that automatically extracts citations
from an article, brief, or other word-processing document; verifies that the citations are accurate; and checks the
citations in KeyCite. In addition, you can use WestCheck to retrieve a table of authorities for cases cited in your
document; verify the accuracy of quotations in your document with the QuoteRight service; and use the Find
service to retrieve individual cases on Westlaw. is West’s citation research application on the Web. makes WestCheck available to
anyone with Internet access. In addition, features an improved report display with a navigational
index, summary and detail report sections, KeyCite status flags, depth of treatment stars, KeyCite quotation marks,
and links to Westlaw. Access at
WestCheck is useful at various stages in the law review production process:
When you first receive an electronic copy of an article from an author for your law review or journal, run the
article through WestCheck to simplify the citation checking required for the article.
If you are writing a law review article, WestCheck can update the citations you may have checked earlier.
Because WestCheck is automatic, using it can save you hours of work. You can begin a WestCheck session and
continue with other tasks on or away from your computer. When you return to WestCheck, you will find a
completed report on the citations from your article or result list. The following WestCheck features help ensure
accuracy and ease of use.
automatically rolls back to the starting page when no case starts on the page number you entered. When a
citation incorrectly includes an internal page number of a case rather than the starting page number, the
document retrieved is the case with the closest previous starting page.
extracts only the first full citation and not pinpoint, parallel, or duplicate citations.
provides detailed, up-to-date information, including parallel citations and court and date information, to help in
checking citations for proper citation format.
Verifying Page Numbers and Quotations
Section 5. Verifying Page Numbers
and Quotations
Once you’ve finished researching and writing your law review or journal article, use Westlaw to make sure you’ve
accurately quoted and cited the legal and nonlegal sources you are using.
Star Paging
Star Paging is a Westlaw feature that automatically displays print publication page references for the text you are
viewing online. This enables you to cite the print publication without looking up the reference.
Star Paging references, which are displayed in a color different from surrounding document text and are preceded
by one or more asterisks, enable you to determine the publication to which a particular page number belongs. For
example, if you retrieve Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, 438 U.S. 265, 98 S. Ct. 2733 (1978), page
references from both Supreme Court Reporter (published by West) and United States Reports (published by the
federal government) are displayed.
To go to a specific page from a print publication, click Tools at the bottom of the right frame and choose Go to
Star Page from the menu that is displayed. Type the print page number in the Go to Star Page text box and click
Go. For example, to go to page 2738 in West’s Supreme Court Reporter, type 2738 in the text box and click Go.
Checking Quotations
Checking quotations using a citation
To check quotations from case law that you plan to use in your article, use the Find service and the Locate feature.
For example, suppose that you want to check the quotation by Justice Antonin Scalia, “[T]here is nothing new in
the realization that the Constitution sometimes insulates the criminality of a few in order to protect the privacy of
us all,” from the case Arizona v. Hicks, 107 S. Ct. 1149, 1155 (1987).
First, use the Find service to retrieve the case. Type 107 sct 1149 in the Find by citation text box at the Law School
page and click Go. The case is displayed in the right frame. Then, to display the portion of the text in which the
quotation appears, click Locate in Result in the left frame. In the Locate text box, type insulates and click Locate to
search the case. Click the Term arrows to browse by Locate term and display the portion of the text in which the
term appears. Verify that you have accurately quoted the court. To return to your original result, click Cancel
Locate in the left frame.
Verifying Page Numbers and Quotations
Checking quotations using a case title
If you have only the title of the case that contains a quotation you need to check, search the title field (ti) for
the names of parties to the case and add terms from the quotation. For example, to check the quotation on
the previous page from Arizona v. Hicks, access the All U.S. Supreme Court Cases database (SCT), type
ti(hicks) & insulates, and click Search Westlaw.
At the displayed case, click the right Term arrow to display the portion of the text in which the term appears.
Check that you have accurately transcribed the quotation.
Checking quotations in non–case law databases
If you are using non–case law or nonlegal sources such as newspapers and magazines in your article, use Westlaw
to check quotations from them. For example, suppose you are quoting a portion of an article from the New York
Times concerning a speech by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 2005 in which she said, “The notion that it is
improper to look beyond the borders of the United States in grappling with hard questions has a certain kinship to
the view that the U.S. Constitution is a document essentially frozen in time as of the date of its ratification.” To
retrieve the quotation, access the New York Times database (NYT), type a query such as ginsburg /p kinship /s
frozen, and click Search Westlaw.
At the displayed document, click the right Term arrow to display the portion of the text in which the terms appear
and then verify the quotation.
The QuoteRight Automated Quotation-Checking Service in WestCheck
To save time, you can check all the quotations in your article at once by using the QuoteRight feature in
WestCheck version 3.2 or later. When WestCheck extracts the citations from your document, it also creates a list of
the quotations that it finds. You can then have the QuoteRight service check these quotations against the full text of
the source documents as they appear on Westlaw.
Using the West Education Network (TWEN)
Section 6. Using The West Education
Network (TWEN)
The rigors of editing a law review or legal journal demand the utmost organizational and communication skills.
The West Education Network (TWEN), an electronic communications platform available on the Web from West, is
a powerful law review and journal management tool. With TWEN, you can easily create and administer a Web site
for your publication that allows you to improve communication with your editorial board and staff, post and share
documents, and hone your legal research skills.
Improving Communication
TWEN helps improve communication with your editorial board and staff by allowing you to
post announcements and assignments.
use a calendar feature for meetings, deadlines, authority checks, and social activities. You can also schedule
automated e-mail reminders for calendar events.
create discussion forums where you can send e-mail messages to individuals, groups, or the entire staff, as well as
post citation information.
create and manage live discussions (“chat”) where you can discuss events or issues in real time.
Sample TWEN law review home page
Using The West Education Network (TWEN)
Increasing Your Legal Research Efficiency
In addition, TWEN provides access to the following tools to help make your legal research more efficient
and effective:
WestCheck—West’s citation research application that automatically extracts citations from a document (or a list
of citations created manually) and helps verify that all the citations in the document are correct and that the
supporting cases are good law. For more information about WestCheck, see Section 4, “Checking Your
CiteStation—a series of online exercises (using Bluebook and ALWD Citation Manual format) designed to hone
basic citation skills for editors and staff. For more information about CiteStation, see Section 7, “Improving
Your Law Review Skills with CiteStation.”
Legal Research and Writing Tools—a collection of tools and materials that provide advanced tips for conducting
legal research in primary and secondary sources.
Posting and Sharing Documents
Use TWEN to post important documents for your staff, writers, and others. You might choose to post articles,
presentations, book reviews, policies, rules for write-on competitions, or bylaws and constitution.
Sample documents
Click here to download a
document in HTML format
or in its original format.
Improving Your Law Review Skills with CiteStation
Section 7. Improving Your Law
Review Skills with CiteStation
Law review is an excellent place to learn and refine the sophisticated citation, writing, and editing skills required to
produce a successful scholarly publication. Now law review and journal editors and staff members can take
advantage of CiteStation, available from West via TWEN. CiteStation is a series of online exercises that are
designed to help you hone your basic citation skills. The exercises were developed by legal research and writing
professors who have extensive experience with the challenges associated with learning legal citation. Each of the
exercises is presented in the context of practical legal documents, such as contracts, memoranda, and pleadings, in
both Bluebook and ALWD Citation Manual format.
Accessing CiteStation
To access CiteStation, complete the following steps:
1. Access the appropriate course by clicking the course name on the TWEN home page.
2. Click CiteStation on the left side of the course home page to display the CiteStation page.* A page like the one
shown below is displayed.
Click the title of an
exercise to display it.
You can choose either
Bluebook or ALWD
Citation Manual format.
CiteStation page
* Note to course administrators: If you select Law Review/Journal as your topic when creating a new course, the CiteStation
button is automatically displayed. To add the CiteStation button to an existing law review page or a non–law review course, click
Modify Course in the list of navigation links. At the next page, click Modify Course Information. Then select Show the CiteStation
and Legal Research and Writing Tools button and click Submit Course Changes.
Improving Your Law Review Skills with CiteStation
Using CiteStation
To complete a CiteStation exercise, follow these steps:
1. Click the name of the appropriate CiteStation exercise on the CiteStation page. The introductory page for the
exercise is displayed, as shown below.
2. Click Start at the bottom of the page. The CiteStation exercise is displayed, which contains links to the questions
embedded within the text. Questions are indicated with a question mark icon ( ).
3. Answer questions by clicking the question mark icons and following the online instructions.
4. Submit your answers by clicking Finished at the bottom of the exercise; at the next page click Submit. The
exercise results are then displayed.
Introductory page for a CiteStation exercise
CiteStation exercise
CiteStation question