Department of Defense
NUMBER 1327.06
June 16, 2009
Incorporating Change 5, August 25, 2023
SUBJECT: Leave and Liberty Policy and Procedures
References: See Enclosure 1
1. PURPOSE. This Instruction reissues DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1327.6 (Reference (a)) and
incorporates and cancels DoD Directive (DoDD) 1327.5 (Reference (b)) and Under Secretary of
Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)) Memorandum (Reference (c)), in accordance
with the authority in DoDD 5124.02 (Reference (d)), to establish policy and procedures for
leave, liberty (pass), and administrative absences that shall:
a. Be consistent with uniformity required of the Armed Forces of the United States
according to section 704 of title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.) (Reference (e)) and the
requirements of Secretary of Defense and Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Readiness Memorandums (References (f) and (g)).
b. Provide respite from the work environment in ways that shall contribute to improved
performance and increased motivation.
c. Ensure maximum use of earned leave, minimize the loss of leave, and reduce the cost
payments for unused accrued leave.
d. Incorporates and cancels Directive-type Memorandum 16-002 (Reference (h)).
2. APPLICABILITY. This Instruction applies to OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the
Office of Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field
Activities, and all other organizational entities within the Department of Defense (hereinafter
referred to collectively as the “DoD Components”). As used herein, the terms “Armed Forces”
refers to the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, Space Force, and the Marine Corps; and “Secretary
concerned,” refers to the Secretaries of the Military Departments.
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3. DEFINITIONS. See Glossary.
4. POLICY. It is DoD policy that:
a. To obtain the maximum benefit from the objectives of annual leave programs,
commanders and supervisors shall provide Service members the opportunity to take frequent
periods of leave and, when possible, at least one extended leave period each year of
approximately 14 consecutive days or longer within the constraints of operational requirements.
Additionally, Service members shall be allowed to take authorized time to tend to emergency
situations and other purposes as outlined in this Instruction.
b. All officers in command, major headquarters, and the Military Departments shall ensure
that secondary and nonessential efforts, though desirable in themselves, do not prevent an
effective leave program. Implementation of this issuance will increase positive contributions to
morale, level of performance, career motivation, and cost savings.
a. Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (DUSD(P&R)). The
DUSD(P&R), under the authority, direction, and control of the Under Secretary of Defense for
Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)), shall:
(1) Ensure that the implementing policies and procedures of the Military Departments
are uniform, to the extent feasible.
(2) Monitor, as required, the effectiveness of the Military Departmental policies and
procedures on leave balances, lost leave, and cost of unused accrued leave payments.
b. Heads of the DoD Components. The Heads of the DoD Components shall conduct leave
and liberty programs that comply with the policies herein to meet the stated objectives.
c. Secretaries of the Military Departments. The Secretaries of the Military Departments, in
addition to the responsibilities in paragraph 5.b., shall:
(1) Publish Departmental guidance on leave and liberty programs in accordance with this
(2) Ensure that implementing regulations and instructions provide for leave to be taken
annually as accrued.
(3) Establish programs to measure and reduce the amount of leave lost by Service
members annually and the cost of unused accrued leave payments.
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6. PROCEDURES. Enclosure 2 provides procedures and requirements for leave, liberty (pass),
and administrative absences.
7. RELEASABILITY. Cleared for public release. This Instruction is available on the
Directives Division Website at
8. SUMMARY OF CHANGE 5. The changes to this issuance are administrative and:
a. Update the special leave accrual (SLA) policy in paragraph 1.h. of Enclosure 2 pursuant to
section 632 of Public Law 117-263 (Reference (s)).
b. Update the convalescent leave policy in paragraph 1.k.(1) of Enclosure 2 pursuant to
section 633 of Reference (s).
c. Update references and the glossary for accuracy.
9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Instruction is effective June 16, 2009.
1. References
2. Procedures
3. Funded Environmental Morale Leave Program Data Sheet
4. Post Deployment Mobilization Respite Absence
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REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................5
LEAVE ......................................................................................................................................6
Annual Leave Programs .......................................................................................................6
Important Leave Periods ......................................................................................................6
Uses of Leave .......................................................................................................................6
Advice of Leave Balance .....................................................................................................7
Authority to Grant Leave and Liberty .................................................................................7
Entitlement and Accumulation ............................................................................................7
Forfeiture of Accrued Leave ................................................................................................7
Special Leave Accrual for Service Members Assigned to Hostile Fire or Imminent
Danger Areas, Certain Deployable Ships, Mobile Units, or Other Duty .........................8
Computation of Leave ........................................................................................................10
Chargeable Leave ...............................................................................................................10
Non-Chargeable Leave ......................................................................................................18
Chargeable and Non-Chargeable Leave Combinations .....................................................22
PUBLIC HOLIDAYS ..............................................................................................................24
REGULAR LIBERTY (PASS)................................................................................................24
SPECIAL LIBERTY (PASS) ..................................................................................................24
ARMED FORCES LIBERTY PASS.......................................................................................25
ADMINISTRATIVE ABSENCES ..........................................................................................25
ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS ...............................................................................31
ABSENCE OVER LEAVE OR LIBERTY .............................................................................32
EXCEPTIONS OR WAIVERS ...............................................................................................32
FEML PROGRAM DATA SHEET...............................................................................................33
PDMRA PROGRAM GUIDANCE ..............................................................................................36
JANUARY 19, 2007, BUT BEFORE OCTOBER 1, 2011 ...............................................36
OCTOBER 1, 2011 ............................................................................................................37
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................41
PART I: ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ................................................................41
PART II: DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................42
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(a) DoD Instruction 1327.6, “Leave and Liberty Procedures,” April 22, 2005 (hereby canceled)
(b) DoD Directive 1327.5, “DoD Policy on Leave and Liberty,” November 29, 2004 (hereby
(c) USD(P&R) Memorandum, “Establishment of Non-Chargeable Rest and Recuperation
(NCR&R) Leave Program and Revision of the Rest and Recuperation (R&R) Leave
Program,” January 28, 2010 (hereby canceled)
(d) DoD Directive 5124.02, “Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
(USD(P&R)),” June 23, 2008
(e) Title 10, United States Code
(f) Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Extending Benefits to the Same-Sex Spouses of
Military Members,” August 13, 2013
(g) Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Memorandum, “Further Guidance
on Extending Benefits to Same-Sex Spouses of Military Members,” August 13, 2013
(h) Directive-type Memorandum 16-002, “DoD-Wide Changes to Maternity Leave,”
February 5, 2016 (hereby cancelled)
(i) Title 37, United States Code
(j) DoD 7000.14-R, “Department of Defense Financial Management Regulations (FMRs),”
Volume 7A, “Military Pay Policy and Procedures - Active Duty and Reserve Pay,” current
(k) Joint Travel Regulations, current edition
(l) DoD Instruction 4515.13, “Air Transportation Eligibility,” January 22, 2016, as amended
(m) DoD Instruction 1315.18, “Procedures for Military Personnel Assignments,”
October 28, 2015, as amended
(n) DoD Electronic Foreign Clearance Guide
(o) NAVADMIN 182/15, “Maternity and Convalescent Leave Policy,” August 5, 2015, as
(p) MARADMIN 421/15, “Marine Corps Maternity and Convalescent Leave Policy,”
August 26, 2015
(q) Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Utilization of the Total Force,” January 19, 2007
(r) Chapter 30 and section 3021 of title 38, United States Code
(s) Public Law 117-263, “James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2023,” December 23, 2022
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a. Annual Leave Programs. All commanders shall establish annual leave programs that
provide their Service members the opportunity to take leave within the constraints of operational
requirements. To obtain maximum benefit from the objectives of annual leave programs,
commanders shall provide Service members the opportunity to take frequent periods of leave,
including, whenever possible, at least one extended leave period each year of approximately
14 consecutive days in length or longer. Notwithstanding, Service members who refuse to take
leave throughout the year shall be counseled regarding their obligation to execute military
programs and policies. They should also be cautioned that such refusal may result in the loss of
earned leave.
b. Important Leave Periods. When encouraging a Service member to use leave, particular
emphasis shall be placed on granting leave in the following circumstances:
(1) Upon a permanent change of station (PCS) or after periods of arduous duty and
protracted periods of deployment from the home station or port.
(2) Upon reenlistment or augmentation from active Reserve to Regular status.
(3) During the traditional national holiday periods.
(4) When there is evidence of deteriorating health and/or morale or when Service
members and/or their families have been personally affected by natural disasters or emergencies.
(Depending upon the circumstances, emergency leave may be more appropriate.)
(5) For attendance at spiritual events or for other religious observances for which liberty
(pass) is inadequate or inappropriate.
(6) During the processing period incident to separation from active duty, or upon
retirement, when requested.
(7) Prior to the end of an active duty tour for Reserve Component (RC) personnel.
However, an RC member who accumulates leave during a period of active service may carry
over any leave so accumulated to the member’s next period of active service, subject to the
accumulation limits in section 701 of Reference (e), without regard to separation or release from
active service if the separation or release is under honorable conditions.
c. Uses of Leave. The use of leave as a method of compensation or as a career continuation
incentive through the accrual of large leave balances contradicts the intent of Congress to
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provide for the health and welfare of Service members. Commanders shall encourage and assist
all Service members to use, on the average, their 30 days accrued leave each year.
d. Advice of Leave Balance. Service members are provided a monthly leave balance update
on their Leave and Earning Statement. The Service member is required to provide that balance
when requesting leave.
e. Authority to Grant Leave and Liberty. Authority to grant leave and liberty, except where
otherwise specified by this Instruction, shall normally be extended to unit commanders. Such
authority may, at the discretion of the Secretary concerned, be further delegated.
Notwithstanding, Service members undergoing treatment for an infectious or contagious disease
may not be granted leave, liberty, or an administrative absence unless the attending physician
determines that the Service member poses no threat to public health.
f. Entitlement and Accumulation. Members of the Armed Forces, regardless of their DoD
Component, are entitled by section 701 of Reference (e) to accumulate leave at the rate of 2
1/2 days for each month of active service. Except as provided in paragraph 1.h. of this
enclosure, or when a Service member is in a missing status, leave accumulated in excess of 60
days shall be lost at the end of the fiscal year. Furthermore, Service members shall not accrue
leave while:
(1) Absent from duty without leave.
(2) On unauthorized absence.
(3) Confined as the result of a court-martial sentence. Leave does not accrue during a
military or civil confinement of more than 1 day if confinement is in connection with a court-
martial sentence. If the member is acquitted, he or she shall be credited with the leave that
would have accrued.
(4) On appellate leave, pending completion of the appellate review when the Service
member is sentenced by court-martial to a dismissal or to receive a punitive discharge, under the
provisions of section 876a of Reference (e).
(5) On excess leave.
g. Forfeiture of Accrued Leave. Any Service member who is discharged under other than
honorable conditions shall forfeit all accrued leave to his or her credit at the time of discharge
according to section 501(e)(1) of title 37, U.S.C. (Reference (i)). Section 501(e)(2) of Reference
(i) provides for the forfeiture of all accrued leave of those Service members who are discharged
before completing 6 months of active duty because of a failure to serve satisfactorily. For the
purpose of this Instruction, the forfeiture of all accrued leave of those Service members who are
discharged before completing 6 months of active duty because of failure to serve satisfactorily
shall apply to all Service members, including those with prior military service (breaks in military
service of more than 90 or more consecutive days) who are separated for:
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(1) Enlisted Separation Reasons
(a) Defective enlistments and inductions (minority and fraudulent entry only).
(b) Entry-level performance and conduct.
(c) Unsatisfactory performance.
(d) Drug and/or alcohol abuse rehabilitation failure.
(e) Misconduct; moral and/or professional dereliction.
(f) Separation in lieu of trial by court-martial.
(g) Security (unless the Service member receives an Honorable Discharge).
(2) Officer Separation Reasons
(a) Separation for cause (e.g., officers separated for substandard performance of
(b) Dropped from the rolls.
(c) Misconduct; moral and/or professional dereliction.
(d) Separation in lieu of trial by court-martial.
(e) Security (unless the Service member receives an Honorable Discharge).
h. Special Leave Accrual for Service Members Assigned to Hostile Fire or Imminent Danger
Areas, Certain Deployable Ships, Mobile Units, or Other Duty. In accordance with section 701
of Reference (e) as amended by Reference (s), effective January 1, 2023, Service members
assigned under certain conditions are eligible to accumulate and retain leave in excess of normal
limits established under paragraph 1.f. of this enclosure. Because SLA often occurs under
conditions that qualify the Service member for combat zone tax exclusion (CZTE) or combat
zone tax relief under the provisions of DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 7A, Chapter 44 (Reference (j)),
the Services must be able to differentiate between tax-excluded leave and taxable leave earned
under SLA conditions. Chapter 35 of Reference (j) provides guidance on tax-excluded and
taxable leave earned under SLA conditions.
(1) Service members who serve on active duty for a continuous period of at least
120 days in an area in which they are entitled to special pay for duty subject to hostile fire or
imminent danger under the provisions of Chapter 10 of Reference (j) may accumulate up to 90
days leave at the end of the fiscal year. Service members not serving in a hostile fire or
imminent danger area, but who are assigned to a designated deployable ship, mobile unit, or
other similar prescribed duty as determined by the Secretary concerned, or are performing duties
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designated by the Secretary concerned as a qualifying duty, may accumulate up to 90 days of
leave at the end of the fiscal year. Service members described in this paragraph may retain such
leave if they receive written authorization from the first officer in the grade above O-6 in their
chain of command.
(a) Leave that exceeds 60 days will be lost unless used before the end of the second
fiscal year following the fiscal year in which Service members qualified to accumulate up to 90
days leave at the end of the fiscal year.
(b) The situation preventing Service members assigned to such activities from using
leave must have been caused by a catastrophe, national emergency and/or crisis or operations in
defense of national security. Furthermore, it should be a result of the membersinability to take
leave or to reduce their leave balance to 60 days before the end of the fiscal year while being
assigned to said activities.
(2) The Secretary concerned shall designate those members who are authorized SLA
according to the criteria listed in paragraph 1.h.(1) of this enclosure and may designate specific
operational missions that qualify Service members in their respective Departments for SLA. The
Secretary concerned may not delegate this authority below the next command subordinate to the
headquarters level that directs leave policy for the Military Service concerned. However, once a
specific operational mission has been designated as qualifying for SLA, the authority for
approving specific Service members assigned to unit, headquarters, and supporting staffs for
SLA when they were prohibited from taking leave because of their involvement in such
designated mission may be further delegated, in writing, but not below the first officer in a grade
above O-6 in the chain of command of such members. For members serving in joint
organizations, determination of eligibility for SLA shall be made by the joint organization in
which the member is serving.
(3) SLA shall not be used as a means to authorize the accumulation of leave in excess of
60 days that is a result of Service members’ failure to properly manage their leave balance. It
would be inappropriate to carry over that portion of Service members’ leave balance that exceeds
60 days that would have been lost at the end of the fiscal year regardless of whether or not
Service members were assigned to a designated activity.
(4) An additional one-time SLA sell back, to be sold at any time, is authorized for
enlisted Service members who would lose leave accumulated in excess of 90 days in accordance
with section 701(f)(1) of Reference (e). Under the provisions of section 501 of Reference (i), an
enlisted Service member may sell back up to 30 days of SLA (this does not apply to officers).
Such a sell back counts toward the enlisted Service member’s cap of 60 days over a career. The
Service member may exercise this option only once any time throughout their career. This
provision has no termination date. (See Reference (i) for all other leave sell-back policies, to
include RC leave dispositions.)
(5) Leave exceeding 90 days, accumulated as SLA by a Service member before
January 1, 2023 will be lost unless used on or before September 30, 2026.
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i. Computation of Leave. Leave accrual shall be accounted for according to currently
established procedures. Leave shall be used in a “last-in first-out” manner, except as follows:
(1) CZTE leave is used first, regardless of when it is earned. For Service members with
advance leave balances, CZTE leave will accrue when:
(a) The member’s leave balance becomes greater than zero.
(b) The member continues to serve in a designated CZTE area.
(2) Saved Leave Balance (SLB), which is earned leave due on August 31, 1976, is used
j. Chargeable Leave. The following types of leave are chargeable toward the Service
member’s leave balance:
(1) Annual Leave. Annual leave is leave granted in execution of a commanders leave
program, chargeable to the Service members leave account. This is also referred to as ordinary
leave.All Service members shall be provided the opportunity to take annual leave.
Commanders authorized to grant leave may establish and regulate schedules that provide for
maximum use of earned leave consistent with operational requirements, training workloads, and
the desires of the Service member.
(2) Advance Leave. Advance leave is a means whereby Service members with limited
or no accrued leave may be granted leave to resolve urgent, personal, or emergency situations.
Regardless of the amount of advance leave requested, all accrued leave must be taken before the
Service member may enter an advance leave status. Advance leave shall be limited to the
minimum amount needed and may be granted within the following limitations:
(a) To avoid excessive negative leave balances, advance leave shall normally be
limited to the lesser of:
1. 30 days;
2. The amount of leave that shall be earned during the remaining period of active
service; or
3. While serving on an extension, leave that shall be accrued prior to the Service
member’s date of separation.
(b) Advance leave that exceeds 30 days shall be authorized by the Secretary
(c) Service members separating within 3 months of the expiration of their enlistment,
including those who reenlist within 24 hours, shall have any advance leave treated as excess
leave upon separation.
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(d) Advance leave shall not be authorized together with any excess leave authorized
for personnel in professional degree, officer procurement, punitive discharge, administrative
discharge, or disability discharge programs.
(3) Emergency Leave. Commanders may authorize up to 30 days of emergency leave.
Requests for leave in excess of 30 days must be authorized by the Secretary concerned.
Emergency leave is chargeable leave. Emergency leave and extensions thereto shall normally be
granted to Service members for family emergencies involving members of their household, their
immediate family, or a sole surviving relative whenever the circumstances warrant and the
military situation permits. Swift and sensitive action on emergency leave requests is essential.
Nevertheless, care must be taken to ensure that an emergency does exist and that the Service
members presence can resolve or alleviate the situation.
(a) Emergency leave may be appropriate when:
1. A member of the household or immediate family has died.
2. The Service member’s presence would contribute to the welfare of a dying
member of the household or immediate family.
3. Serious illness of a member of the household or immediate family imposes a
demand on the Service member that must be met immediately and cannot be accomplished from
the duty station or by any other means.
4. The Service members failure to return home places a severe or unusual
hardship on the Service member, their household, or immediate family.
(b) When the commander granting leave has reason to doubt the validity of an
emergency situation, assistance in determining its validity and of the need for the Service
members presence should be requested from the American Red Cross or Military Service
personnel nearest the location of the emergency. Caution must be taken to ensure that delays in
obtaining verification do not result in the Service member arriving too late to accomplish the
purpose for which the emergency leave is intended.
(c) Emergency leave travel at Government expense is authorized in accordance with
the Joint Travel Regulations (Reference (k)). Authorized transportation expenses are chargeable
to the appropriated funds that support the temporary duty (TDY) travel of the Service members
assigned unit. However, emergency leave shall not be denied solely because of lack of funds for
authorized funded emergency leave travel, nor shall emergency leave be granted for the purpose
of either increasing the Service members travel priority or to offset personal travel costs.
Service members not authorized emergency leave travel under the provisions of Reference (k)
may be authorized travel on Government owned or controlled aircraft in accordance with DoDI
4515.13 (Reference (l)).
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(d) Time spent in emergency leave travel authorized at Government expense or on
military aircraft shall not be charged to the Service members leave account.
(e) The Secretary concerned may grant a Service member a non-chargeable
emergency leave of absence for a qualifying emergency. (See paragraph 1.k.(7) of this
(4) Reenlistment Leave. Up to 90 days leave incident to reenlistment may be authorized
to Service members provided that any advance leave involved does not exceed 30 days. Except
for emergency leave, the first leave taken after reenlistment shall be considered reenlistment
leave and should normally begin immediately upon reenlistment. However, reenlistment leave
may be delayed to begin upon completion of a course of instruction that begins within 30 days of
reenlistment or upon transfer from an overseas station incident to the Service members
reenlistment. Reenlistment leave may also be deferred for reasons of operational necessity.
Leave authorized under this paragraph shall be deducted from leave accrued during active
service before reenlistment or charged against leave that may accrue during future active service,
or both. Reenlistment leave is a chargeable leave.
(5) Leave in Conjunction with PCS. In conjunction with a PCS movement, Service
members shall, whenever feasible, be authorized not less than 30 days delay-en-route leave
provided no excess leave is involved. Furthermore, Service members should not be asked to take
less than the full amount of leave that has been authorized between duty stations. Exceptions
should only be for military operational requirements.
(a) For Service members completing recruit training, delay-en-route leave should
normally not be less than 10 days prior to reporting to their first duty station. However, if the
initial PCS is an overseas station or homeport, this delay should normally be 14 days or more.
Exceptions should only be for military operational requirements.
(b) Upon completing officer candidate training, newly commissioned officers shall
normally be authorized 30 days leave (advance leave if needed) upon graduation and before
reporting to their first duty station. Exceptions should only be for military operational
(6) Leave Travel in Connection with Consecutive Overseas Assignments
(a) Section 411b of Reference (i) stipulates that Service members stationed outside
the continental United States (OCONUS) who are ordered to a consecutive overseas tour (COT)
of duty at the same duty station, or who are reassigned PCS to another overseas duty station, may
be paid travel and transportation allowances in connection with authorized leave from their last
duty station. The tours of duty, whether at the same duty station or a new duty station, must be
the authorized tours as prescribed in Appendix Q of Reference (k). Travel entitlements may not
exceed those authorized by Reference (k). The Service member and dependents may travel
together or independently.
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(b) Service members who shall be serving on an in-place COT must have completed
their initial tour, to include voluntary extension, and agreed to and be authorized by the Military
Service concerned to serve the prescribed tour length elected.
(c) To receive travel and transportation allowances authorized in Reference (k), a
Service member reassigned PCS to another overseas duty station must serve the prescribed tour
at the new permanent duty station and one of the tours must be unaccompanied or, if both tours
are accompanied, the total time to be served between the two locations must equal at least the
sum of the unaccompanied tour lengths for those locations or as prescribed by DoDI 1315.18
(Reference (m)).
(d) Travel under paragraph 1.j.(6)(a) of this enclosure shall be performed in a duty
status, and the amount of leave authorized shall be determined by the Secretary concerned.
However, Service members authorized travel and transportation allowances under this authority
may defer travel between the two tours of duty and utilize such allowances during the second
tour of duty. Furthermore, the travel must be completed prior to the end of the new tour or it
expires. As an exception, Service members who are unable to undertake the travel because of
duty in conjunction with a contingency operation, as defined under Appendix A1 of Reference
(k), may defer travel up to 1 year after the completion of such duties that precluded travel. The
Secretary concerned is authorized to approve the combination of travel in connection with a
consecutive overseas assignment with other authorized travel upon Service member request,
provided that the combination of travel is in the best interest of the Department.
(7) Terminal Leave. To prevent the loss of leave and to minimize accrued leave
payments, absence on leave at the time of retirement, separation or release from active duty
without returning to the separation site should normally be granted, if desired by the Service
member. If Service members desire leave without returning to the separation site, they must
have their retirement, separation, or release orders in their possession and have completed all
administrative processing before departing on leave. In addition, the retirement or separation
date must occur following completion of the authorized leave period.
(8) Environmental Morale Leave (EML) and Funded Environmental Morale Leave
(a) EML and FEML General Information. A Service member assigned to an
overseas duty location that includes extraordinarily difficult living conditions or adverse
environmental conditions that would offset the full benefits of annual leave programs may obtain
EML or FEML based on:
1. Geographic isolation, substandard housing, inadequate commercial
transportation, and lack of cultural and recreational facilities;
2. Notably unhealthful conditions, such as high incidence of disease and
epidemics, lack of public sanitation, and inadequate health control measures; or
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3. Excessive physical hardship (e.g., deleterious effects of climate and altitude
and dangerous conditions affecting life, physical well-being, or mental health).
(b) EML Program. The purpose of this program is to make use of DoD-owned or
controlled military airlift to further annual leave objectives. The Combatant Commanders shall
designate the authorized EML duty locations and destinations. Normally, the necessary adverse
environmental conditions for the EML program are present at those overseas locations where the
accompanied-by-dependents tour length is 24 months or less. Prescribed overseas tour lengths
are contained in Reference (k). Permanently assigned Service members, regardless of their
accompanied status, and/or their dependents may be provided space available (Space-A) air
transportation from EML duty locations to take accrued leave at an EML destination site. The
Service member’s dependents must be command sponsored to participate. In addition,
participants may take no more than two EML trips per year. Except those Service members
assigned to dependent-restricted areas, EML trips may not be taken within 6 months of the
beginning or end of the Service member’s tour of duty at the eligible location. The Combatant
Commanders are authorized, on a case-by-case basis, to waive the 6-month rule, when
appropriate. For Service members assigned to dependent-restricted areas, the Military Service
concerned may establish, for operational necessity, the time frames in which an eligible Service
member may take EML.
(c) FEML Programs. FEML provides Government-funded transportation from the
FEML duty location to the designated FEML destination. The Deputy Under Secretary of
Defense for Military Personnel Policy (DASD(MPP)) shall designate the authorized FEML duty
locations, which shall be limited to those locations that are truly isolated, austere or unhealthful,
and designated FEML destinations. Normally, FEML applies to Service members assigned to a
prescribed tour outside the United States who incur a tour length of at least 24 consecutive
months, to include voluntary extensions. A member assigned to a 24-month tour is eligible for
one round trip under FEML. A member assigned to a 36-month tour is eligible for two round
trips. No more than two FEML trips are authorized for any overseas tour including extensions to
that tour. In addition, the Service member’s dependents, in order to participate, must be
command sponsored. FEML travel may not be taken within 6 months of the beginning or end of
the Service member’s tour of duty. The Combatant Commanders are authorized, on a case-by-
case basis, to waive the 6-month rule, when appropriate.
1. Authorized FEML duty locations and destinations shall be recertified every
2 years by the DASD(MPP). Initial designations and re-certifications shall be made based upon
Combatant Commanders’ recommendations.
2. Such recommendations shall be justified fully and incorporate a FEML data
sheet (Enclosure 3), completed by the commander recommending the designation, as well as
comments from other DoD Components, including the Military Departments, and the proposed
FEML relief destination.
(d) EML and FEML Relief Destinations. Normal military airlift (EML) and
commercial air (FEML) routes shall be considered in determining relief destinations, and they
shall be limited to the closest location offering environmental relief, suitable accommodations,
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and recreational facilities. In recommending relief destinations, commanders must give due
consideration to:
1. A favorable political, social, economic, and climatic environment.
2. Availability of facilities, activities, and services.
3. The cost of transportation.
4. Availability of space-available military airlift and/or commercial
(e) Transportation. While eligible participants may be provided military air (EML)
or commercial air transportation at Government expense (FEML) between the designated EML
and FEML duty locations and relief destinations, commanders must use space-available military
air resources if available when approving requests for FEML travel. Regardless of whether
military or commercial resources are used, participants may travel to locations other than those
approved by the DASD(MPP). However, when such deviations are made, total transportation
costs cannot exceed the costs that would have been incurred if the participants had traveled to
and from the designated FEML relief destinations.
(f) Travel Time and Leave Accountability
1. EML Programs. At locations where commercial air transportation is available,
the entire authorized absence, including time spent in a travel status, is charged to the Service
members leave account. At locations where commercial air transportation is not available (e.g.,
Diego Garcia and Thule, Greenland) and members must travel by military air, time spent in
travel status shall not be charged against the membersleave account. Authority to designate
time spent in travel status as non-chargeable leave may be delegated no lower than the unit
commander level.
2. FEML Programs. Travel time is not chargeable as leave.
(9) Rest and Recuperation (R&R) Leave Program
(a) The R&R leave program provides Government-funded transportation from the
R&R duty location to the designated R&R destination. R&R locations must meet all of the
following criteria:
1. Be in an area that is dependent-restricted.
2. Be in an area designated for hostile fire or imminent danger pay, as authorized
by section 310 of Reference (i).
3. Be in an area in which entry of Service members on official or unofficial travel
is controlled (see the DoD Electronic Foreign Clearance Guide (Reference (n))).
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4. Be in an area where ordinary annual leave programs have been restricted for
reasons of military necessity.
(b) Recommendations to designate a specific duty location as an R&R location shall
be made based on the applicable Combatant Commanders’ recommendation, through the Joint
Staff Personnel Directorate (J-1), to the DUSD(P&R).
1. The DUSD(P&R) shall designate authorized R&R locations and destinations.
Authorized R&R locations and destinations are contained in Appendix U of Reference (k).
2. Authorized R&R locations shall be recertified every 2 years by the
DUSD(P&R). Recertification requests shall follow the same procedures as initial requests.
(c) Travel under the R&R leave program may not be combined with liberty,
administrative absences, temporary duty, or travel for other purposes. The Combatant
Commanders are authorized to approve the combination of R&R travel with other authorized
travel upon Service member request, providing the combination of travel is in the best interest of
the Department. This authority may not be delegated below the general or flag officer or Senior
Executive Service equivalent level.
(d) Transportation to and from R&R areas shall be provided on a space-required
basis, unless otherwise authorized by the DUSD(P&R), and travel time shall not be charged to
the Service members leave account. Additionally, the Combatant Commanders are authorized
to approve the combination of a parental leave of absence with R&R, upon Service member
request, providing the combination is in the best interest of the Department. The actual leave
period at the R&R destination shall be charged to the Service members leave account, except for
the 10-day parental leave of absence.
(e) Transportation shall be to another location outside the United States having
different social, climatic, or environmental conditions than those at the duty station at which the
Service member is serving; or to a location in the United States.
(f) R&R leave periods shall be limited to one per 12-month period assigned to, or
one per deployment to, an approved R&R duty location (including extensions). Service
members assigned or deployed to an approved R&R location for 18 months or more are
authorized one additional R&R leave period after the 18 month point.
(g) The applicable Combatant Command Commander shall terminate the R&R leave
program immediately when a location no longer meets the criteria contained in
paragraph 1.j.9.(a) of this enclosure.
(10) Non-Chargeable Rest and Recuperation (NCR&R) Leave Program
(a) The NCR&R Leave Program codified in section 705a of Reference (e) provides
the Secretary concerned with the authority to grant Service members serving in designated
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authorized R&R locations with a non-chargeable administrative absence of up to 15 days to be
used in conjunction with the benefits provided under the R&R Leave Program. Authorized
NCR&R locations are subject to the R&R Leave Program policy contained in subparagraph
1.j.(9) of this enclosure, unless specifically addressed in paragraph 1.j.(10) of this enclosure.
(b) Recommendations to designate a specific duty location as an NCR&R location
shall be made based on the applicable Combatant Commander’s recommendation, through the
Joint Staff Personnel Directorate (J-1), to the DUSD(P&R).
1. The DUSD(P&R) shall designate authorized NCR&R duty locations.
2. Authorized NCR&R duty locations shall be recertified every 2 years by the
DUSD(P&R). Recertification requests shall follow the same procedures as initial requests.
(c) Authorized NCR&R Leave Program locations must meet all the following
1. Be an authorized R&R Leave Program area or location meeting the criteria
contained in subparagraph 1.j.(9) of this enclosure.
2. Be in an area designated as a combat zone by Presidential Executive Order.
3. Be an area where hardship duty pay is authorized to be paid under section 305
of Reference (i) or be an area where Service members are subject to extremely arduous
conditions, above and beyond those associated with other deployments/assignments. The
Combatant Command request to designate a location as an NCR&R location shall detail the
extremely arduous conditions.
4. Be an area where U.S. forces have been engaged in combat operations against
a hostile force within the last 6 months and where combat operations are expected to continue for
the next 6 to 12 months (e.g., where Service members receive Hostile Fire Pay).
(d) NCR&R shall be limited to one per 270-day period assigned to, or one per
270- day deployment to, an approved R&R duty location (including extensions). Service
members are limited to either one NCR&R administrative absence of up to 15 days or one R&R
leave per 12-month period.
(e) The Combatant Commanders are authorized to approve the combination of a
parental leave of absence with NCR&R, upon Service member request, providing the
combination is in the best interest of the Department.
(f) The applicable Combatant Commander shall terminate the NCR&R Leave
Program immediately upon a location no longer meeting the criteria contained in
paragraph 1.j.10.(c) of this enclosure.
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(11) Court Determination and/or Child Support Leave. When a Service member requests
leave on the basis of need to attend hearings to determine paternity or to determine an obligation
to provide child support, ordinary leave shall be granted unless:
(a) The member is serving in or with a unit deployed in a contingency operation; or
(b) Exigencies of military service require a denial of such request.
(12) Continuation or Recall of Retirees. Retiring Service members who are subsequently
continued on, or are recalled to, active duty may, at the discretion of the Secretary concerned,
have their leave, which accumulated during their service before retirement, carried over to their
period of military service after retirement (section 701 of Reference (e)). In addition, the
Secretary concerned may, for operational reasons, limit the number of consecutive days of leave
that a continued or recalled retiree may take. The Secretary concerned may not, as a condition of
the continuation or recall action, prohibit Service members from taking leave accrued during the
new period of military service.
(13) SLB. The SLB was established on September 1, 1976. Earned leave due on
August 31, 1976, became the SLB. Leave accounts that showed an advance leave balance on
August 31, 1976, do not have an SLB. A member with an SLB has the option to use the leave
prior to retirement or sell it back upon retirement. A member’s SLB is tracked, maintained, and
liquidated by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service.
k. Non-Chargeable Leave. The following types of leave are not chargeable toward the
member’s leave balance:
(1) Convalescent Leave.
(a) In accordance with section 701 of Reference (e), as amended by Reference (s)
effective January 1, 2023, and procedures established by the Secretary concerned, a Service
members commanding officer or the director of a military medical treatment facility may grant
convalescent leave to a member who is diagnosed with a medical condition and is determined
not yet fit for duty as a result of that condition. The Service member’s medical or behavioral
health care provider may determine such member’s fitness for duty and recommend convalescent
leave to provide for the convalescence from their medical condition.
(b) Such leave shall not exceed 30 days with respect to a medical condition of a
Service member. In granting convalescent leave, care must be taken to limit the duration to the
minimum that is essential in relation to the diagnosis, prognosis, and probable final disposition of
the Service member, and tailored to the Service member’s specific medical needs rather than
based on a predetermined formula. Convalescent leave that exceeds 30 days shall be controlled
at the level designated by the Secretary concerned, but not below the grade of O-5 or the civilian
equivalent. A Service member may only be authorized convalescent leave for their own medical
condition, not in connection with a medical condition of their dependent or other family member.
Travel entitlements that may be associated with convalescent leave are governed by Reference
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(2) Maternity Leave. Maternity leave is a convalescent period immediately following
pregnancy and childbirth. (Reference (m) provides information on deferment from duty based
on childbirth.)
(a) Subject to subparagraph 1.k.(2)(b) of this enclosure in regards to members of the
Navy and Marine Corps, maternity leave will be authorized for a period of up to 12 continuous
weeks immediately following a birth event, or release from hospitalization following a birth
event. Service members on maternity leave as of February 2, 2016, will be granted a 42-day
extension. Members on approved ordinary (chargeable) leave in conjunction with their
maternity leave, as of February 2, 2016, are authorized to convert their regular leave to non-
chargeable maternity leave and to extend their maternity leave, but by only so much as to not
exceed a total of 84 days. This policy will apply equally to Active Component (AC) members
and RC members serving under a call or order to active service for a continuous period of at least
12 months.
1. Commanders (or other designated approval authorities under procedures
established by the Secretary concerned) may not deny maternity leave to eligible Service
members. Eligible members, including eligible members of the RCs, will receive maternity
leave based on their application and procedures established by the Secretary concerned.
2. Nothing in this maternity leave policy will be construed as to prohibit unit
commanders and medical providers from continuing to grant convalescent leave in accordance
with subparagraph 1.k.(1) of this enclosure based on an individual Service member’s fitness for
duty (including a member’s fitness following childbirth that does not qualify as a birth event, as
defined in this Instruction). This maternity leave policy does not, in and of itself, limit
convalescent leave in cases where it may exceed 12 weeks because a health professional or
medical authority has deemed that such an amount of leave is warranted.
3. Any amount of maternity leave remaining unused at the time of separation
from active service will be forfeited. In the case where two Service members are married to each
other, maternity leave as authorized in this enclosure may not be transferred to create any kind of
shared benefit.
4. No member will be disadvantaged in their career, including limitations in their
assignments (except in the case where she voluntarily agrees to accept an assignment limitation),
performance appraisals, or selection for professional military education or training, solely
because they took maternity leave.
(b) In accordance with policies and procedures established by the Secretary of the
Navy in 2015, Sailors and Marines whose maternity leave or additional maternity leave (as
defined in NAVADMIN 182/15 and MARADMIN 421/15 (References (o) and (p)) was
approved by their commanding officers before March 3, 2016, or who are pregnant or experience
a birth event on or before March 3, 2016, will remain eligible for the full 18 weeks of maternity
leave and or additional maternity leave combined, consistent with Department of the Navy policy
and procedural guidance on this subject.
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(3) Recruiting Assistance Leave Program. The Secretary concerned may grant leave up
to a period of 14 days to Service members who provide assistance to recruiting. Recruiting
assistance leave may be authorized in conjunction with ordinary leave.
(4) Adoption Leave. A Service member who adopts a child in a qualifying adoption
shall receive up to 21 days of non-chargeable leave of absence to be used in connection with the
adoption. This absence shall be taken within 12 months following the adoption and may be
authorized in conjunction with ordinary leave. In the event that two Service members who are
married to each other adopt a child in a qualifying child adoption, only one of the members shall
be granted an adoption leave of absence. A qualifying adoption is defined as an adoption where
the member is eligible for reimbursement of qualified adoption expenses under section 1052 of
Reference (e). (Reference (m) provides information on deferment from duty based on adoption.)
(5) Parental Leave. A married member on active duty whose spouse gives birth to a
child shall receive 10 days of non-chargeable leave of absence to be used in connection with the
birth of the child. This absence should be taken consecutively and within a reasonable amount of
time following the birth.
(6) Graduation Leave. Graduates of the United States Military Academy, the United
States Naval Academy, or the United States Air Force Academy who, upon graduation, are
appointed into any component of the Armed Forces may, at the discretion of the Secretary
concerned or designated representative, be granted graduation leave of not more than 60 days.
This leave is not chargeable to the officer’s leave account; it must be used within 3 months of the
officers graduation and before the officer reports to the first duty location or port of embarkation
for permanent duty OCONUS. Extensions of this graduation leave period for the convenience of
the Service member shall be charged to the officers leave account.
(7) Excess Leave. Excess leave is a no-pay status; therefore, entitlement to pay and
allowances and leave accrual stops on the first day of excess leave. Excess leave may be
authorized in emergencies provided that the aggregate of all leave granted (accrued + advance +
excess) does not exceed 60 days and that advance leave is used before the excess leave.
Consideration for humanitarian reassignment should be given in those cases where emergencies
require the absence of the Service member for more than 60 days.
(a) When excess leave is authorized together with accrued leave, care must be taken
to ensure that no leave may be accrued during a period of excess leave.
(b) When a unit commander directs appellate review leave, this leave is considered
involuntary excess leave. Members may opt to use accrued leave or a combination of accrued
leave and payment of remaining accrued leave before entering excess leave status.
(c) Indefinite periods of excess leave may be granted to personnel awaiting appellate
review of a court-martial sentence to a dismissal or punitive discharge and to personnel awaiting
an administrative discharge, as provided in paragraph 1.l.(2) of this enclosure.
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(d) Members pending discharge may request excess leave while awaiting completion
of administrative discharge proceedings.
(e) As an exception to the 60-day limitation, excess leave may be granted to Service
members completing educational programs leading to a professional degree or associated
licensing examinations in connection with an officer procurement program. However,
participants shall not be required to use their accrued leave before being placed in an excess
leave status and accrued leave shall be retained until duty in a pay status is resumed.
(f) If requested by the Service member, excess leave (for a period not in excess of
30 days) shall be granted to a Service member prior to being discharged or released from active
service through an involuntary separation under honorable conditions unless doing so would
impede mission requirements.
(g) Other requests for periods of leave involving excess leave that extend beyond the
60-day limitation may be granted at the Military Department or Service headquarters level, at the
discretion of the Secretary concerned.
(h) Service members separating within 3 months of the expiration of their enlistment,
including those who reenlist within 24 hours, shall have any advance leave treated as excess
leave upon separation.
(8) Emergency Leave of Absence. The Secretary concerned may grant a Service
member a non-chargeable emergency leave of absence for a qualifying emergency, with the
following limitations:
(a) The qualifying emergency is verified to the Secretary’s satisfaction based upon
information or opinion from a source in addition to the Service member that the Secretary
considers to be objective and reliable and the qualifying emergency is due to:
1. A medical condition of a member of the immediate family of the Service
member; or
2. Any other hardship that the Secretary concerned determines appropriate.
(b) Such emergency leave of absence may be granted only once during an entire
career for any Service member.
(c) Such emergency leave of absence may be granted only to prevent the Service
member from entering advanced leave status or excess leave status that could result in
recoupment of any pay and allowance.
(d) Such emergency leave of absence may not extend for a period of more than
14 days.
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(9) Marriage Leave for Same-sex Couples. The Secretary concerned may grant non-
chargeable leave to Service members who are in same-sex relationships and are assigned to duty
stations located more than 100 miles from a U.S. state (or the District of Columbia) that allows
same-sex couples to marry, for travel to a state or jurisdiction that allows same-sex couples to be
married. When two Service members who are a same-sex couple desire to be married, both
members may be granted marriage leave for same-sex couples if qualified.
(a) Eligible Service members assigned within the Continental United States
(CONUS) may be granted non-chargeable leave for a period of up to 7 days. Eligible Service
members assigned OCONUS may be granted non-chargeable leave for a period of up to 10 days.
When both members of a same-sex couple are Service members, each member may be granted
the applicable number of days based on his or her individual assignment location.
(b) Extensions of this non-chargeable leave period for the convenience of the Service
member(s) will be charged to the member’s leave account. Marriage leave may be granted only
once during the career of a Service member.
l. Chargeable and Non-Chargeable Leave Combinations. Certain types of leave may begin
as chargeable and become non-chargeable after a period of time:
(1) Leave Awaiting Orders as a Result of Disability Proceedings. When ordered home
or to another designated location in a PCS status to await further orders and disposition as a
result of a disability separation, the Service member shall be charged leave for each day in an
awaiting-orders status. An authorized absence, in an awaiting-orders status, that exceeds
maximum accrued leave is not chargeable as leave.
(2) Leave Awaiting Punitive or Administrative Discharge. Under regulations prescribed
by the Secretary concerned, Service members who have been sentenced by court-martial to be
dismissed or to receive a punitive discharge may be required to take excess leave (leave of
absence without pay) pending completion of the appellate review. Authority to direct such leave
rests with the officer exercising court-martial jurisdiction over the Service member. Service
members may be required to begin their leave at any time on or after the date on which the
sentence is approved. Such leave may be continued until a time when the final review is
completed and the sentence is executed. The authority that approved this leave may terminate it
at any time by written notice. When confinement is included as part of the approved sentence,
the period of confinement must have been served or deferred before the beginning of the leave.
(a) Service members required to take such leave and who have accrued leave may
elect one of the following options:
1. Receipt of pay and allowances during the period of accrued leave with leave
beyond that which was accrued charged as excess leave.
2. Payment for accrued leave to the Service member’s credit on the day before
the day leave begins with the total period of required leave charged as excess leave.
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3. A combination of receipt of pay and allowances and accrued leave payment.
(b) If the Service members court-martial sentence is disapproved or set aside, then
the Service member shall receive pay and allowances for any period of required excess leave,
except any day of accrued leave for which the Service member elected payment before departing
on leave. However, this requirement does not apply if a rehearing or new court-martial is
ordered that results in a dismissal or a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge.
(c) Service members sentenced by court-martial to a dismissal or punitive discharge,
but whose sentence has not yet been approved by the court-martial convening authority, may
submit a written request for voluntary leave. The requested leave may be approved at the
discretion of the commander exercising court-martial authority, if in their opinion the best
interest of the DoD would be served by granting the Service member’s request. Service
members volunteering to take such leave and who have accrued leave to their credit shall utilize
ordinary leave until the accrued leave is exhausted. After the accrued leave is used, the Service
member shall enter excess leave status. However, before such leave is approved, all adjudged
confinements shall have been served, commuted, remitted, suspended, or deferred. Before the
court-martial sentence is approved by the appropriate authority, voluntary leave shall be
terminated upon the written request of the Service member or may otherwise be terminated by
the Service member’s commanding officer. Upon approval of the court-martial sentence by the
officer exercising court-martial jurisdiction, the Service members leave status shall be changed
from voluntary to required.
(d) Service members awaiting completion of administrative discharge proceedings
may be granted leave. Such Service members shall utilize ordinary leave until their accrued
leave is exhausted, at which time they shall enter excess leave status.
(3) Authority to Require That an Officer Take Leave Pending Review of
Recommendation for Removal by a Board of Inquiry. Section 1182(c)(2) of Reference (e) states
that, when a board of inquiry makes a recommendation that an officer not be retained on active
duty, said officer may be required to take leave pending the completion of their case.
(a) The officer may be required to begin such leave at any time following their
receipt of the report of the board of inquiry, including the board’s recommendation for removal
from active duty, and the expiration of any period allowed for submission by the officer of a
rebuttal to that report.
(b) The leave may be continued until the date on which action by the Secretary
concerned on the officer’s case is completed or may be terminated at any earlier time.
(c) Section 707a of Reference (e) provides that an officer who is required to take
such leave and, as a result, incurs excess leave and whose recommendation for removal from
active duty in a report of a board of inquiry is not approved by the Secretary concerned, shall be
paid for the period of leave charged as excess leave.
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2. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS. U.S. public holidays established by Federal statute shall be observed,
except when prevented by military operations. When such holidays fall on a Saturday, the
preceding Friday shall be considered a holiday, and when such holidays fall on a Sunday, the
succeeding Monday shall be considered a holiday. Holidays are to be charged as leave if they
fall within the effective dates of leave.
a. Regular liberty periods shall not exceed 3 days. Regular liberty shall normally be from
the end of normal duty hours on the first day to the beginning of normal duty hours on the
following work day. On 2-day weekends, regular liberty shall extend from the end of normal
duty hours on Friday until the beginning of normal duty hours on the following Monday. On
3-day Federal holiday weekends, regular liberty shall include Saturday, Sunday, and the Federal
holiday (Monday or Friday). The only occasion where regular liberty pass may be 4 days is
when a Federal holiday falls on a Thursday (or Tuesday) and the President designates the
accompanying Friday (or Monday) as a day off.
b. The local commander shall establish a liberty and/or pass recall policy that meets
organizational readiness requirements.
c. For Service members on shift work, equivalent regular liberty pass schedules should be
arranged, even though the days of the week may vary. When operational circumstances permit,
compensatory time off as liberty should normally be granted following duty performed during
national holidays. Except for unusual cases, this compensatory time off should be granted on the
first duty day following the holiday. However, if the holiday falls on a weekend and either
Friday or Monday is designated as the non-duty day, compensatory time off should be applied to
both the holiday and the observed day, on a day-for-day basis.
d. Liberty periods shall not be used in succession immediately before or after return to duty
(there must be a duty day between liberty periods).
e. Regular liberty, at no cost to the Government, may be authorized at the beginning or the
end of a TDY period.
f. When Service members request an extension of authorized liberty in excess of 3 days
(liberty and extension combined), the portion exceeding the regular liberty shall be charged to
the Service member’s leave account.
a. Special liberty may not be used in combination with normal liberty, holidays, or other off-
duty periods where the combined periods of continuous absence would exceed 4 days (regarding
leave, see paragraph 4.b. of this enclosure). Furthermore, special liberty may not, under any
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circumstances, exceed 4 days. Special liberty periods in excess of 2 days may only be granted
for special occasions or under special circumstances, such as:
(1) Compensation for significant periods of unusually extensive working hours; long or
arduous deployment from home station or port; duty in an isolated location where normal liberty
is inappropriate; or to Service member’s onboard ship in overhaul away from homeport.
(2) As special recognition for exceptional performance, such as Soldier, Sailor, or
Airman of the Month or Year.
b. Special liberty may be taken in conjunction with leave without a duty day between the
liberty and leave periods. The special liberty may be taken in accordance with the local
commander’s guidance and policies for special liberty, but requires a unit commander’s
memorandum authorizing the special pass. The member must be physically present at the home
station or port when departing and returning from leave. If the member wishes to leave the home
station or port during the special liberty period and not return prior to the beginning of the leave
period, then the entire leave and liberty period will be charged as leave.
c. When, because of unforeseen emergency circumstances, Service members request an
extension of an authorized period of special liberty that exceeds 4 days (original authorization
and extension combined), the extension beyond 4 days shall be charged to the Service members
leave account.
5. ARMED FORCES LIBERTY PASS. A valid Armed Forces Identification Card shall suffice
to identify a Service member on authorized absence not classified as leave.
a. Administrative absences are authorized for specific circumstances as explained in this
Instruction. They may include “permissive travelto attend or participate in activities of an
official nature to the benefit of the mission of the DoD.
b. In approving administrative absence requests, care must be taken to ensure that the
planned absence clearly falls within the criteria provided; if it does not, the absence is subject to
normal leave and liberty procedures. Administrative absences that exceed 30 days should be
controlled at the Service headquarters level.
c. Appropriate uses for administrative absence include:
(1) Professional Meetings. Attendance at meetings sponsored by recognized non-Federal
technical, scientific, professional (e.g., medical, legal, and ecclesiastical) societies and
organizations. The meetings must have a direct relationship to the Service members
professional background or primary military duties and clearly enhance their value to the
Military Service.
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(2) Transition Assistance Program Seminars. Attendance at a DoD-sponsored
employment assistance seminar under the Transition Assistance Program when the Service
member cannot schedule one locally and when the Service member will separate or retire within
365 days.
(3) Credit Union Board Meetings. Attendance by a member of the Board of Directors of
a DoD credit union. Meetings of associations, leagues, or councils formed by DoD credit unions
must be directly related to DoD credit union programs.
(4) Competitive Sporting Events. Participation in competitive sporting events and
essential support of participants in competitive sporting events, Service- or DoD-sponsored
events, or other recognized events must be approved by the Secretary concerned.
(5) Legal Witness. Attendance in response to a subpoena, summons, or request instead
of process, as a witness at a State or Federal criminal investigative proceeding. Criminal
prosecution must be of substantial public interest, such as major crimes, where the Service
member would be an essential witness.
(6) Professional Development. Participation in military programs that enhance the
Service members value to the Military Service or the Service member’s understanding of the
military and their relationship to it, and where a funded TDY is inappropriate.
(7) House Hunting. House hunting incident to a PCS when Government quarters are not
immediately available or, if available, are not required to be occupied at the gaining installation.
The Secretary concerned may grant up to a maximum of 10 days for this purpose.
(8) Retirement Presiding Official. Participation in an official military retirement
ceremony as the presiding official. The permissive absence authorized may not exceed 3 days
and is limited to one presiding official per retirement ceremony.
(9) Post Deployment or Mobilization Respite Absence (PDMRA). This category of
administrative absence applies to Service members required to deploy or mobilize above DoD
rotation frequency thresholds established by Secretary of Defense Memorandum (Reference (q)).
Enclosure 4 of this Instruction contains PDMRA program guidance. Section 2 of Enclosure 4
contains PDMRA accrual rates for qualifying deployments and mobilizations on or after January
19, 2007, but before October 1, 2011. Section 3 of Enclosure 4 contains PDMRA accrual rates
for qualifying deployments and mobilizations effective October 1, 2011.
(10) Transition Leave of Absence. Participation in pre-separation job search and house
hunting activities that facilitate relocation or transition of the Service member to civilian life is
authorized under this paragraph for:
(a) Service members being involuntarily separated under honorable conditions.
(b) Service members retiring from active duty.
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(11) Involuntary Separation Leave of Absence. The Secretary concerned shall grant a
Service member who is being involuntary separated, under honorable conditions as defined in
section 1141 of Reference (e), an administrative absence not to exceed 30 days, or permissive
absence not to exceed 10 days, as the member requires in order to facilitate the members
carrying out necessary relocation activities such as job search or residence search activities,
unless to do so would interfere with mission requirements.
(12) Educational Leave of Absence. In accordance with section 708 of Reference (e),
eligible Service members may be authorized an educational leave of absence not to exceed
2 years for pursuing a program of education. The educational leave of absence may exceed
2 years, but may not exceed 3 years, in the case of an eligible Service member pursuing a
program of education in the health care profession. Educational leave of absence approval rests
with the Secretary concerned, and may not be delegated below the Headquarters level.
Furthermore, approval shall only be granted when in the best interest of the Government.
(a) For the purpose of this program, an “eligible Service memberis any Service
member on active duty who is eligible for basic educational assistance under chapter 30 of title
38, U.S.C. (Reference (r)) and:
1. Has completed at least one term of enlistment and has reenlisted (enlisted
Service members) or has completed his or her initial period of obligated military service on
active duty (officers).
2. Is stationed OCONUS and is within 12 months of completing their full
overseas tour of duty. However, the full overseas tour of duty must be completed prior to
beginning any authorized educational leave of absence. Service members not stationed in the
United States or one of its territories must complete a PCS back to a unit in the United States or
one of its territories in order to begin any authorized educational leave of absence.
(b) An eligible Service member may not be granted an educational leave of absence
unless the Service member agrees in writing to extend their current enlistment (enlisted Service
members) or to serve on active duty (officers) after completion (or other termination) of the
program of education for a period of 2 months for each month of educational leave of absence.
Furthermore, an educational leave of absence may not be granted until the Service member has
completed any enlistment or reenlistment extension, or any period of obligated military service,
incurred by reason of any previous educational leave of absence under the authority of section
708 of Reference (e).
(c) Service members on an educational leave of absence shall, for administrative and
accountability purposes, remain assigned to the unit they were assigned to before approval of
their educational leave of absence. Even though the Service member’s educational leave of
absence is considered to be non-chargeable leave, the Service member shall be charged leave
during scheduled school breaks unless he or she returns to duty with the unit of assignment
during the break. The carry-over of leave at the end of the fiscal year exceeding 60 days will not
be authorized unless authorized by paragraph 1.h. of this enclosure.
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(d) While on an educational leave of absence, Service members shall be entitled to
basic pay for their applicable pay grade and to accrue leave. However, they will not receive
basic housing or subsistence allowance or any other pay and allowance or assistance-in-kind to
which they would otherwise be entitled. Furthermore, Service members authorized an
educational leave of absence shall not, as a result of their decision to pursue a program of
education, be entitled to any entitlements governed by Reference (k). The period of time a
Service member is on an educational leave of absence shall count toward the computation of the
Service member’s basic pay, eligibility for retired pay, and time-in-grade for promotion
purposes. However, this period of educational leave of absence may not count toward the
completion of the term of enlistment for enlisted Service members or for entitlement to
supplemental educational assistance under section 3021 of Reference (r).
(e) In time of war or national emergency, as declared by the President or Congress,
the Secretary concerned may terminate any educational leave of absence granted under the
authority of section 708 of Reference (e). Furthermore, the Secretary concerned may terminate
an educational leave of absence when the Secretary determines that the Service member is not
satisfactorily pursuing the program of education for which the absence was granted.
d. The Secretary concerned may authorize Service members described in paragraph 6.c.(10)
or 6.c.(11) of this enclosure and those retiring:
(1) An additional 20 days, up to a total of 30 days, of permissive absence to Service
members stationed OCONUS.
(2) An additional 10 days, up to a total of 20 days, of permissive absence to Service
members stationed in CONUS.
(3) An additional 20 days, up to a total of 30 days, of permissive absence to those
Service members who were domiciliaries before entering active duty and continue to be
domiciliaries of States, possessions, or territories of the United States located OCONUS, or of
foreign countries, when stationed at a location other than the State, possession, territory, or
country of their domicile. Service members may be authorized up to a total of 30 days
permissive absence only for house and job-hunting to the State, territory, possession, or country
of their domicile.
(4) An authorized permissive absence may be taken in conjunction with a transition
leave of absence by members who are retiring, being separated involuntarily under honorable
conditions, or voluntarily separating through a Military Department force reduction or force
shaping program. The permissive absence and transition leave of absence may be taken in a
series of trips prior to separation, but the total number of days of combined permissive absence
and transition leave of absence may not exceed 30 days. Service members voluntarily separating
at the end of a normal term of service (expiration term of service or end of active duty obligated
service) or involuntarily separating under conditions other than honorable are not eligible for
permissive absence. Additionally, the Secretary concerned:
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(a) May grant a recalled RC Service member, serving on active duty, a permissive
absence up to 30 days in conjunction with involuntary separation or release from active duty.
(b) May grant a recalled RC or active duty Service member permissive absence up to
30 days after the Service member receives approval for retirement based upon at least 20 years of
accumulated active duty service.
e. Proceed time will be authorized for members in certain PCS circumstances.
(1) Service members entitled to transportation of dependents and/or household goods
may be authorized 4 days of proceed time under the following conditions:
(a) When being reassigned to or from a dependent restricted and/or all others
overseas tour, as defined by Reference (m).
(b) When the Service member’s ship of assignment is changing homeport.
(2) Proceed time may only be authorized to eligible Service members when they actually
relocate their dependents and/or household goods as a result of the conditions outlined in
paragraph 6.e.(1) of this enclosure. Proceed time shall not be granted:
(a) Incident to the Service members first permanent duty station.
(b) When the reassignment is between two stations located within close proximity or
between two ships that have the same homeport.
(c) Incident to separation, release from active duty, or retirement.
(d) When orders require reporting within 4 days of departure from last duty station.
(3) Proceed time is not intended to serve the needs of military check-out and check-in
procedures with military personnel offices, security and pass offices, billeting offices, and public
quarters clearance and the like, which are military administrative requirements to be provided for
during normal working hours.
f. Under the authority of section 705 of Reference (e) and section 314 of Reference (i),
qualified Service members possessing certain specialties may, under specific conditions, be
entitled to special rest and recuperation (SR&R) absence, extending duty at designated locations
overseas under the Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program.
(1) To be eligible for SR&R, a Service member must:
(a) Be entitled to basic pay as defined in section 204 of Reference (i).
(b) Possess a military occupational specialty that is designated by the Secretary
concerned as an imbalanced or under strength specialty.
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(c) Have completed his or her overseas tour of duty, as defined by the Secretary
concerned, at a location OCONUS that is designated by the Secretary concerned and at the end
of the tour, have executed an agreement to extend that tour for a period of not less than 1 year.
(2) Those Service members meeting the eligibility requirements in paragraph 6.f.(1) of
this enclosure shall be entitled to receive one of the following:
(a) Special pay for duty performed during the period of the extension at a rate
defined by section 314 of Reference (i).
(b) A period of SR&R absence for not more than 30 days.
(c) A period of SR&R absence for not more than 15 days and round-trip
transportation at Government expense from the location of the extended tour of duty to the
nearest CONUS port or an alternate destination not to exceed the cost to the nearest CONUS port
and return for personnel completing an overseas duty tour of 12 months or less (transportation
associated with this option is governed by Reference (k)).
(d) A period of SR&R absence for not more than 20 days and round-trip
transportation at Government expense from the location of the extended tour of duty to the
nearest CONUS port or an alternate destination not to exceed the cost to the nearest CONUS port
and return for personnel completing an overseas duty tour longer than 12 months (transportation
associated with this option is governed by Reference (k)).
(e) Annual lump sum bonus under section 314 of Reference (i).
(3) While the period of SR&R absence shall not be charged to the Service members
leave account, there are limitations to combining such absences with ordinary leave, liberty,
administrative absence, TDY, or any other transportation entitlement authorized by Reference
(k). Specifically, the 15-, or 20-day SR&R absence and round-trip transportation option may not
be combined with any TDY or transportation entitlement authorized by Reference (k) that would
result in the cost of the round-trip portion of the option exceeding the round-trip cost from the
Service member’s duty station to the nearest CONUS port.
(4) Travel time from the CONUS port or alternate destination to the SR&R absence
point and return is included in the 15-, or 20-day SR&R absence. This period shall begin the day
after the Service member arrives at the aerial port of debarkation and continue until the day
before the Service member returns to the designated port. The non-chargeable leave period shall
continue until the day before the date of return to the designated port. Travel time to or from the
CONUS port or alternate destination and the overseas location is non-chargeable and not
included in the 15-, or 20-day SR&R absence.
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a. Except when otherwise authorized in this Instruction, leave shall be calculated based on
the actual date of departure on leave status and the actual date of return from leave. This shall be
consistent with the requirements regarding combination of leave and special liberty (see
paragraph 4.b. of this enclosure).
b. The day a Service member departs on and returns from leave must not be charged as leave
if the Service member is at their place of work (“on board,” “for duty”) for the majority of the
normal working hours of a workday. Otherwise, it must be charged as leave. For leave starting
on a non-duty day, the day of departure shall be charged as a day of leave. For leave ending on a
non-duty day, the day of return shall not be charged as a day of leave.
c. Administrative and leave accounting procedures are to be established by the Military
Services to ensure that all authorized periods of absence involving periods charged as leave are
accurately charged to the Service members leave account.
d. When Service members are on authorized leave and it becomes necessary to recall them
to duty for reasons of military necessity, the period of absence shall not be charged to the leave
account when the period between departure on leave and the Service member’s receipt of the
recall to duty is 3 days or less. The remaining time of absence shall be considered travel time
unless it is determined that the Service members absence is excessive; then the entire absence
shall be charged as leave. For circumstances in which the Service member shall be entitled to
travel reimbursement, orders authorizing travel should be issued in accordance with Reference
e. When a Service member’s scheduled leave is canceled to permit the Service member to
participate in a contingency operation, and the cancellation occurs within 48 hours of the leave
commencing, the Secretary concerned may reimburse the Service member’s travel and related
expenses incurred due to ticketing or contractual requirements.
f. Service members on leave who are hospitalized or placed on a “sick-in-quarters” status,
(e.g., convalescent leave by a civilian or military physician) shall not be charged leave for that
period since they are medically unfit for duty. Chargeable leave shall terminate the day the
Service member is hospitalized and recommence the day following hospitalization or sick-in-
g. Appropriate safeguards may be established to ensure against abuse provided the
safeguards are consistent with acceptance of certification from military authorities in emergency
leave validation, compassionate assignments, and hardship discharge procedures.
h. A Service member who is in a missing status, as defined by section 551(2) of Reference
(i), accumulates leave regardless of the 60- and 90-day limitations. A Service member who dies
while in a missing status continues to earn leave through the date the Secretary concerned
receives evidence that the Service member is dead or that the death is prescribed or determined
under section 555 of Reference (i). Up to 150 days of leave may be earned in this status, which
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is in addition to any previous leave earned. However, if a Service member’s death occurs on a
date when they would have accrued more than 150 days, settlement shall be made for the number
of days accrued to the actual date of death. Leave accumulated by a Service member while in a
missing status shall be accounted for separately and shall be paid for under section 501(h) of
Reference (i).
i. A Service member who dies while on leave shall not be charged for leave on the day death
j. Whenever requested and operationally feasible, accrued leave shall be granted together
with TDY. Liberty may not be used to extend TDY periods. Advance leave may also be
approved if the criteria of this Instruction are met.
a. Service members absent from duty, beyond their authorized leave period, shall be
considered absent without leave, unless it is determined that the absence was unavoidable, in
such case it shall be charged to the Service members leave account.
b. The period of time that Service members may be absent from duty beyond their
authorized liberty, when the absence has been determined to be unavoidable, shall be charged to
the Service member’s leave account when the entire period of authorized and excused
unauthorized absence exceeds 3 days. However, when the absence is determined to be
avoidable, the period exceeding that authorized shall be considered unauthorized.
c. Absences over leave or liberty caused by mental incapacity, detention by civilian
authorities, or early departure of a mobile unit due to operational commitments, whether
determined to be avoidable or excused as unavoidable, shall not be charged as leave, regardless
of duration.
9. EXCEPTIONS OR WAIVERS. Only the Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense,
Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, or the DUSD(P&R) may approve
exceptions or waivers to the provisions of this Instruction. All requests shall be forwarded to the
DUSD(P&R) for review and further action.
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1. GENERAL. This data sheet shall be used to ensure that the minimum required factors are
considered. Combatant Commanders shall evaluate each item on this list, and are encouraged to
add additional comments and factors that bear on the proposed request. This survey sheet does
not constitute a request for designation. It provides background data to support FEML
designation or changes.
a. Installation. Identify the installation, the location of the installation, and the date that the
data sheet is prepared.
b. Tour Lengths. Indicate the current tour lengths, both the accompanied-by-dependents and
all other tour lengths.
c. Host Command. Indicate the host command of the installation.
d. Affected Population. By Military Service, list the number of assigned officers, enlisted
Service members and the total number of command-sponsored dependents.
e. Geography
(1) Nearest community (town, population, distance, and driving time).
(2) Nearest community with population of 10,000 or more (town, population, distance,
and driving time).
f. Isolation. If isolation is a contributing factor, explain.
g. Climate
(1) Temperature (highest, lowest, and annual average).
(2) Humidity (highest, lowest, and annual average).
(3) Precipitation (annual average of snow and rain).
(4) If climate is a contributing factor, explain.
h. Self-Supporting. If location is not self-supporting, identify support base (base, distance,
and driving time).
i. U.S. Installations. Nearest major U.S. installation (base, distance, and driving time).
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j. Medical Support
(1) Are medical and dental care available at the location?
(2) Describe the medical and dental support and facilities at the location.
(3) Is dependent medical and dental care usually available at the location?
k. Commissary Support
(1) Is there an adequate U.S. commissary at this location?
(2) If not, where is the nearest adequate U.S. commissary?
l. Host Nation Food Market
(1) Availability.
(2) Cost.
(3) Sanitation.
m. Exchange Support
(1) Is there an adequate U.S. exchange (Base, Post, or Navy Exchange) at the location?
(2) If not, where is the nearest adequate U.S. exchange? (Location, distance, and travel
n. Local Civilian Stores Providing Exchange-type Goods and Services
(1) Availability.
(2) Cost.
(3) Are banking facilities available?
o. Education Support
(1) Comment on availability and accreditation status of dependent schools, to include
location and commuting time.
(2) Comment on off-duty education available to Service members and dependents.
(3) Comment on library facilities.
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p. Religious Support. Comment on available religious facilities and support.
q. Recreational Support. Comment on available recreational support and facilities both on
and off base.
r. Mail Support. What is average mail delivery time to and from the United States (air mail
and surface mail)?
s. Social Life. Describe the nature and extent of any restriction on social life of Service
members, single and married, accompanied and unaccompanied, and gender; local customs,
language, attitude of local population, government restrictions, political climate.
t. Transportation Support
(1) Describe the in-country transportation systems.
(2) Comment on the advisability and/or necessity of having a privately owned vehicle.
(3) Describe the international air support between the proposed FEML duty location and
(4) Is Military Airlift support available? If so, provide a schedule of daily routes.
(5) What is the distance and travel time between the proposed duty location and the
nearest international terminal or U.S. military installation where air support is available?
(6) What are the costs for civilian transportation between the proposed FEML duty
location and destination? Provide a flight itinerary indicating costs from the proposed FEML
duty location to relief (round-trip) destination.
(7) Explain any unique difficulties.
2. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Add any additional comments that should be considered.
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1. GENERAL. PDMRA is a program to recognize Service members under the Secretarys
jurisdiction who are deployed or mobilized beyond DoD rotation frequency thresholds
established by Reference (q) by awarding them administrative absence days.
a. Frequency Thresholds
(1) AC Service members deployed in excess of 12 months during the most recent 36-
month period qualify for PDMRA.
(2) RC Service members mobilized in excess of 12 months during the most recent 72-
month period qualify for PDMRA.
b. Creditable Time
(1) Creditable time for AC Service members includes the day of the member’s arrival at
the deployed location through departure of boots-on-ground.
(2) Creditable time for RC Service members includes mobilizations under
sections 12301(a), 12302, or 12304 of Reference (e). Mobilization for this purpose includes the
day the Service member is mobilized through the date the mobilization is terminated.
(3) The Secretary concerned may include other deployments or mobilizations in
conjunction with an expanded program for the Service concerned.
(4) For Service members of the AC, computation of creditable time commences 36
months prior to the Service member’s deployment and continues during the deployment.
(5) For Service members of the RC, computation of creditable time commences 72
months prior to the Service members mobilization and continues during the deployment.
(6) The Secretary concerned shall establish policy on the crediting of time when court-
martial or other adverse administrative actions have been initiated.
(7) PDMRA days are authorized for each month or portion of a month that a Service
member is deployed (AC) or mobilized (RC) beyond the frequency thresholds at paragraph 2 of
this enclosure. The number of PDMRA days awarded to AC and RC Service members are:
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(a) One day of administrative absence per month in excess of 12 months during the
qualifying period.
(b) Two days of administrative absence per month in excess of 18 months during the
qualifying period.
(c) Four days of administrative absence per month in excess of 24 months during the
qualifying period.
(8). The Secretary concerned may develop supplementary tables, including other non-
monetary recognition programs, delivering comparable or greater benefits to members meeting
the frequency thresholds at paragraph 2 of this enclosure.
(9) Service members of the RC must be on active duty during the days they take their
earned PDMRA days.
(a) Under current law, Service members of the RC who are also Federal, State, or
local government civilian employees are not permitted to receive their civilian pay on the same
days they are serving on active duty. Affected Service members may elect to receive assignment
incentive pay (AIP) (section 307a of Reference (i)) in lieu of being awarded administrative
absence days.
(b) AIP is valued at $200 for each day of administrative absence that otherwise
would have been authorized, not to exceed $3,000 monthly as prescribed under section 307a of
Reference (i).
(c) There is no option to cash in administrative absence days already earned. The
AIP election must be made by the affected RC Service member prior to the days being earned.
a. Deployment and Mobilization Frequency Requirements and/or Thresholds
(1) AC Service members who, on the first day of their current deployment, had deployed
in excess of 12 months out of the previous 36 months, and who meet the other eligibility criteria
contained in this enclosure, qualify for PDMRA days.
(2) RC Service members who, on the first day of their current qualifying mobilization,
had been mobilized pursuant to sections 12301(a), 12302, or 12304 of Reference (d) in excess of
12 months out of the previous 72 months, and who meet the other eligibility criteria contained in
this enclosure, qualify for PDMRA days. The 12 month qualifying period may include service
pursuant to section 12301(d) of Reference (d) when designated by the Secretary concerned.
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(3) The Secretary concerned may utilize the deployment-to-dwell ratio of 1:2 for AC
members or mobilization-to-dwell ratio of 1:5 for RC members as the qualifying threshold for
providing PDMRA benefits as opposed to the requirements contained in paragraphs 2.a. and 2.b.
of this enclosure.
b. PDMRA Accrual Rates
(1) Two Administrative Days Per Month
(a) AC Service members accrue 2 administrative absence days per month when the
deployment threshold established in paragraph 3.a. of this enclosure is exceeded and the AC
Service member is:
1. Deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan; or
2. Deployed to a CZTE area when the CZTE area has been designated as a 2-day
per month PDMRA accrual location by the Secretary concerned.
(b) RC Service members accrue 2 administrative absence days per month when the
mobilization threshold established in paragraph 3.a. of this enclosure is exceeded and the RC
Service member is serving:
1. In Iraq or Afghanistan pursuant to sections 12301(a), 12302, or 12304 of
Reference (d);
2. In Iraq or Afghanistan pursuant to section 12301(d) of Reference (d) when
designated by the Secretary concerned; or
3. In a CZTE area under the authority of sections 12301(a), 12301(d), 12302, or
12304 of Reference (d) when the CZTE area has been designated as a 2-day per month PDMRA
accrual location by the Secretary concerned.
(2) One Administrative Day Per Month
(a) AC Service members accrue 1 administrative absence day per month when the
deployment threshold established in paragraph 3.a. of this enclosure is exceeded for deployments
to a qualifying CZTE area when the CZTE area has been designated as a 1-day per month
PDMRA accrual location by the Secretary concerned.
(b) RC Service members accrue 1 administrative absence day per month when the
mobilization threshold established in paragraph 3.a. of this enclosure is exceeded and the RC
Service member is serving:
1. Outside of the United States pursuant to sections 12301(a), 12302, or 12304 of
Reference (d);
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2. Outside of the United States pursuant to section 12301(d) of Reference (d)
when designated by the Secretary concerned; or
3. In a CZTE area pursuant to section 12301(d) of Reference (d) when the CZTE
area has been designated as a 1-day per month PDMRA accrual location by the Secretary
c. PDMRA Day Accrual. Service members, at a minimum, must meet PDMRA eligibility
criteria contained in sections 2 and 3 of this enclosure for 30 consecutive days in order to begin
accruing PDMRA days. Upon meeting the minimum 30 consecutive day requirement:
(1) PDMRA accrual for AC Service members includes the day that the member arrives
at the deployed location through the day that the member redeploys.
(2) PDMRA accrual rates for RC Service members:
(a) Include the day that the member is ordered to duty pursuant to sections 12301(a),
12302, or 12304 of Reference (d) through the date that the member’s service is terminated under
that same authority.
(b) When designated as qualifying for PDMRA by the Secretary concerned pursuant
to subparagraphs 3.b.(1)(b)2, 3.b.(1)(b)3, 3.b.(2)(b)1, or 3.b.(2)(b)2 of this enclosure, include the
day that the member enters service pursuant to section 12301(d) of Reference (d) through the
date that the member’s service is terminated under that same authority.
d. Extensions of Mobilization Orders to Utilize Accrued PDMRA Days. The Secretary
concerned may extend the mobilization orders of RC Service members, within statutory
limitations, to allow these members to utilize PDMRA days accrued during the mobilization. RC
members do not accrue PDMRA days during the time that mobilization orders are extended for
the purpose of utilizing PDMRA days.
e. Election of Payment for PDMRA Days for Select RC Service Members. Under current
law, RC Service members who are also Federal, State, or local government civilian employees
are not permitted to receive their civilian pay while on active duty utilizing accrued PDMRA
days. To resolve this pay restriction, the Secretary concerned may offer such RC Service
members a special PDRMA payment which permits such members to elect to receive AIP
pursuant to section 307a of Reference (e), in lieu of being awarded PDMRA administrative
absence days. For this purpose, the AIP would be valued at a rate of $200 for each day of
administrative absence that otherwise would have been authorized under the PDMRA program,
not to exceed the statutory $3,000 monthly maximum limit of AIP payable to an individual
member pursuant to section 307 of Reference (e). If this option is offered, the AIP election must
be made by the RC Service member prior to the PDMRA days being earned. This option may
NOT be used to cash in administrative absence days already earned.
f. Crediting PDMRA Time. The Secretary concerned shall establish policy on crediting
PDMRA time when court-martial or other adverse administrative actions have been initiated.
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g. RC Use of Administrative Absence Days. RC Service members must be serving pursuant
to sections 12301(a), 12301(d), 12302, or 12304 of Reference (d) in order to utilize the
administrative absence days accrued under the PDMRA Program.
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Change 5, 08/25/2023 GLOSSARY
assignment incentive pay
Active Component
continental United States
consecutive overseas tour
combat zone tax exclusion
DoD directive
DoD instruction
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Military Personnel Policy
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
environmental morale leave
funded environmental morale leave
Naval Administrative (Message)
Non-Chargeable Rest and Recuperation
Marine Administrative (Message)
outside the continental United States
permanent change of station
post deployment/mobilization respite absence
Reserve Component
rest and recuperation
special leave accrual
saved leave balance
special rest and recuperation
temporary duty
United States Code
Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
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Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the purposes of this Instruction.
accrued leave. Leave earned by a Service member at a rate of 2 1/2 calendar days for each
month of active service and credited to the Service members leave account. The account
balance of accrued leave must be reduced to 60 days at the end of the fiscal year, except as
provided in paragraph 1.h. of Enclosure 2. Accrued leave is also referred to as earned leave.
active duty. Defined in section 101 of Reference (e).
active service. Defined in section 701 of Reference (e).
administrative absence. A period of authorized absence that is not chargeable to the Service
member as leave.
advance leave. Leave granted to the Service members leave account before its actual accrual.
This leave is granted based on a reasonable expectation that it shall be earned by the Service
member during the remaining period of active duty.
all-others tour. The tour length that is authorized at a specific location for Service members who
are not accompanied by command-sponsored dependents.
annual leave. Leave granted in execution of a commander’s leave program, chargeable to the
Service members leave account. This is also referred to as “ordinary leave.”
birth event. Any birth of a child(ren) to a female Service member wherein the child(ren) is
retained by the mother. For the purpose of policies in this instruction governing maternity leave,
multiple children resulting from a single pregnancy (e.g., twins or triplets) will be treated as a
single event so long as the multiple births occur within the same 72-hour period.
command-sponsored dependents. Dependents of a Service member residing with the Service
member at a duty station OCONUS, where the accompanied by-dependents tour is authorized
(Reference (k)); the Service member is authorized to serve the tour; and the dependents are
authorized by the appropriate authority to be at the Service member’s duty station; and as a result
of their residence in the vicinity of the Service members duty station, the Service member is
entitled to cost of living allowance and temporary lodging allowance at the “with dependents”
CONUS. The contiguous 48 States and the District of Columbia.
convalescent leave. A period of non-chargeable leave granted to Service members under
medical care, which is part of the treatment prescribed for recuperation and convalescence. It is
also referred to as sick leave.
COT. A COT occurs when a member transfers from one overseas station to another. The
transfer may be within the same overseas location.
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delay-en-route. Chargeable leave authorized in connection with travel, either PCS or TDY,
including a COT.
department (when used with respect to a Military Department). Defined in section 101 of
Reference (e).
dependent-restricted tour. Any location OCONUS with an established overseas tour that does
not permit command-sponsored dependents. Also referred to as unaccompanied hardship
overseas tour or remote tour. (Established overseas tours are outlined in Reference (m).)
emergency leave. Leave granted as a result of an emergency situation (personal or family) that
requires the Service members presence.
EML. Leave granted in conjunction with an EML program.
excess leave. Leave granted that exceeds accrued and advance leave and for which the Service
member is not entitled to pay and allowances. Generally, a negative leave balance at the time of
release from active military duty, discharge, first extension of an enlistment, desertion, or death
shall be considered excess leave regardless of the authority under which the leave resulting in the
negative balance was granted.
FEML. Leave granted in conjunction with a FEML program.
four-day liberty (pass). A special liberty period that begins at the end of normal working hours
on a given day and expires with the start of normal working hours on the fifth day and includes
at least 2 consecutive non-work days (e.g., departure after duty Thursday afternoon until
commencement of duty on Tuesday morning).
full time National Guard duty. Defined in section 101 of Reference (e).
graduation leave. A period of authorized absence granted, as a delay in reporting to the first
permanent duty station, to graduates of the Service academies who are commissioned as regular
officers in the Armed Forces.
household. The Service member and those dependents, as defined by section 401 of Reference
(i), who either reside with the Service member or are dependent on the Service member for over
one-half of their support.
immediate family. A Service member’s parents, persons who have stood in loco parentis,
siblings, children, and the spouse’s parents and siblings.
in loco parentis. A person who stood in place of a parent for the Service member 24 hours a day
for a period of at least 5 years before the Service member became 21 years old or entered
military service. The person must have provided home, food, clothing, medical care, and other
necessities, as well as furnished moral and disciplinary guidance and affection. A grandparent or
other person normally is not considered to have stood in place of a parent when the parent also
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lived at the same residence. Neither is a person considered in loco parentis for performing baby-
sitting or providing day care service.
leave accrual. See accrued leave.
liberty (pass). An authorized absence, not chargeable as leave, granted for short periods to
provide respite from the working environment or for other specific reasons. At the end of this
period, Service members are actually on board or in the location from which they regularly
commute to work. This includes regular and special liberty periods.
military medical treatment facility. A facility described in subsections (b), (c), or (d) of section
1073d of Reference (e).
PCS. The transfer or assignment of a Service member or unit from one permanent station to
another. This includes the change from home or from the place from which ordered to active
duty to the first station upon appointment, call to active duty, enlistment, or induction; and from
the last duty station to home, or to the place from which he or she entered the military service;
placement upon the temporary disability retired list; and release from active duty or retirement.
It also includes a duly-authorized change in homeport of a vessel or mobile unit.
permissive absence. Authority to facilitate transition into civilian life for house and job hunting
for Service members being involuntarily separated under honorable conditions or retiring from
active duty.
proceed time. A period of authorized absence, not chargeable as leave or travel time, authorized
as a delay in executing certain PCS orders, to enable the Service member to attend to the
administrative details involved in matters such as disestablishing and/or establishing residences,
changing vehicle licensing, and changing residence for taxation and voting purposes.
recruiting assistance leave. A non-chargeable leave period up to 14 days the Secretary
concerned may grant to Service members who provide assistance to recruiting.
reenlistment leave. Leave granted to enlisted Service members incident to their reenlistment.
regular liberty (pass). A liberty period, not to exceed 3 days, except when the President
authorizes a 4-day weekend in conjunction with a Federal holiday.
R&R leave. Leave granted in circumstances where operational military considerations prevent
the full use of ordinary annual leave. R&R programs are established in areas designated for
hostile fire or imminent danger pay. Leave granted in connection with authorized R&R
programs is chargeable to the Service members leave account.
sick-in-quarters (quarters status). A period of authorized absence where the member is excused
from duty for medical treatment or medically directed self-treatment, in home, barracks, or other
non-hospital facilities (e.g., hotel, motel, occupying beds in dispensaries).
special leave accrual. Authority for Service members who are faced with circumstances that
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prohibited them from taking leave to carry more than 60 days of leave into the next fiscal year.
special liberty (pass). Liberty granted outside of regular liberty (pass) periods for special
occasions or circumstances by a unit commander’s memorandum authorizing the special pass,
such as commanders awarding a 3 or 4-day special pass for compensatory time off when
individual members worked over the weekend or on a designated holiday or non-chargeable
leave day.
SR&R. An additional rest and recuperation leave for an eligible member, who extends at a
designated overseas location for a period of not less than 1 year.
TDY. Duty at one or more locations, other than the permanent station, at which a Service
member performs TDY under orders that provide for further assignment or pending further
assignment to a new permanent station or for return to the old permanent station upon
completing TDY.
terminal leave. Ordinary leave chargeable to the Service members leave account to assist
separating Service members with their personal affairs. Also referred to as retirement,
separation, or transition leave.
transition leave. Ordinary leave chargeable to the Service members leave account to assist
separating Service members with their personal affairs. Also referred to as retirement,
separation, or terminal leave.